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Wykład we współpracy z Uniwersytetem Auburn, Alabama, USA.
Szanowni Państwo, w dniu 30 marca 2023 r. o godzinie 15.00 (3 PM) (godzina 8.00 AM wg. lokalnego czasu CDT w AUBURN USA) w trybie zdalnym na platformie w ramach cyklu wykładów organizowanych we współpracy z Uniwersytetem Auburn, Alabama, USA (kolejny 9 wykład) odbędzie się wykład Pana Matthew Yarnolda, Ph.D. z Advanced Structural Engineering Lab, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Auburn University. Poniżej szczegółowe informacje na temat zakresu poruszanej tematyki i prelegenta. Planowany czas wystąpienia: 45 min. + ok. 15 min. dyskusji.
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Behavior of Hot-Rolled Asymmetric Steel I-Beams
Matthew Yarnold, Ph.D.1
1Associate Professor and Director of the Advanced Structural Engineering Lab Civil and Environmental Engineering, Auburn University
The American Institute of Steel Construction has set an ambitious goal to increase the speed of designing, fabricating, and erecting steel structures by 50%. The presented study focuses on improving the speed and efficiency of residential building floor systems. Hot-rolled asymmetric steel I-Beams, or "A-shapes," are being developed through numerical modeling and large-scale structural testing. The proportions of these future A-shapes must satisfy manufacturing needs, construction demands, and inservice loading. The long-term goal is to have a set of standard A-shapes that are regularly produced and utilized in steel building construction.
Matthew Yarnold, PhD has nearly 20 years of structural engineering research and design experience. For the previous five years, he was faculty at Texas A&M University. Recently, he joined Auburn University as an Associate Professor and the Director of the new Advanced Structural Engineering Laboratory. Dr. Yarnold's research interests focus on our nation's infrastructure and the built environment. |