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Tytuł: Development of additively manufactured magnesium-based biodegradable scaffolds and implants for orthopaedic applications

Akronim: 3D-BioMg

Budżet całkowity: 268 532,42 Euro

Budżet PŚ: 119487,29 Euro

Budżet AMAZAMET: 81349,12 Euro

Czas trwania: 36 miesięcy


Polska: Politechnika Śląska, AMAZEMET

Turcja: Turkey The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) Marmara Research Center (MAM) Materials Institute, ERMAKSAN SME

Kierownik projektu w Politechnice Śl.: Dr hab. inż. Tomasz Tański prof. PŚ

Projekt dotyczy stopów magnezu.

Accordance with the call The objectives of the project directly fit the scope of the call in the Health area. Achieving the goals of the presented project will be the first step to implement a new generation of biodegradable/bioresorbable implants/scaffolds that facilitate bone fracture/bone defect treatment procedures, which are the common health threat to society. The subject of the project will be to develop a novel biodegradable magnesium-zinc-zirconium alloy via novel routes that combine rapid prototyping and post-processing treatments to replace currently used permanent implants. Biodegradable Mg implants can eliminate long-term adverse reactions and revision operations associated with permanent implants. However, their degradation under physiological conditions (in vitro tests) is too fast. High purity Mg exhibits a much lower corrosion rate but its strength is inadequate for most applications. Our approach is to use additive manufacturing technique, add alloying elements, and apply different routes of postprocessing in order to stabilize the corrosion rate and enhance strength. The solution to the problem involved in the project may directly lead to the development and implementation of a new generation of short-term orthopaedic implants that do not require removal from the human body after a long period of bone growth. Although the translation from scientific research results to product innovation requires a coherent effort of a much broader collaboration, this project will lay a solid foundation for such innovation with the comprehensive characterization of the material and a high level of technical readiness. The implementation of the presented project will enable cooperation with foreign centers specializing in biocompatible magnesium alloy technology.

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