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14C and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory

The Gliwice Radiocarbon Laboratory was established in 1967 by Prof. Włodzimierz Mościcki, a pioneer in the ¹⁴C measurements with gas proportional counters. Since then, the unit instantly developed and at present is officially distinguished in the University structure as the Radiocarbon and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, a part of the Division of Geochronology and Environmental Isotopes at the Institute of Physics – Centre for Science and Education. Another unit within the Division is a Luminescence Dating Laboratory, and both lab teams naturally cooperate to solve scientific questions in various disciplines: Earth and environmental sciences, physics, and archaeology. 

At present state the Radiocarbon and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory carries out yearly ca. 400 radiocarbon dates and a similar number of stable isotope determinations, for the research projects in cooperation with national and international teams and external orders. 

Our History


Pokaż wszystkie

Zakład Geochronologii i Badań Izotopowych Środowiska

Zakład Geochronologii i Badań Izotopowych Środowiska

Laboratorium 14C i spektrometrii mas

Gliwickie Laboratorium Datowania Luminescencyjnego

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