Start - Pracownicy - Ravi S Yadav
Ravi S Yadav
Ravi S Yadav
Doktorant, mgr. inż.
Katedra Biotechnologii Środowiskowej
Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Energetyki
Politechnika Śląska
Ul. M. Strzody 7A, pokój 20
44-100 Gliwice
tel.: + 48 736 337 209
Profil ResearchGate:
ORCID: 0000-0002-8966-8589
Zainteresowania badawcze:
- mikrobiologia środowiskowa,
- mikrobiologiczne ogniwa paliwowe / mikrobiologiczne technologie elektrochemiczne,
- produkcja bioenergii,
- bioremediacja,
- oczyszczanie ścieków,
- biowęgiel,
- nanocząstki magnetyczne.
Najważniejsze publikacje:
- Li, C., Feng, Y., Liang, D., Zhang, L., Tian, Y., Yadav, RS., & He, W. Spatial-type skeleton induced Geobacter enrichment and tailored bio-capacitance of electroactive bioanode for efficient electron transfer in microbial fuel cells. Science of The Total Environment (2022), 821, 153123. (IF: 9.8)
- C Li, W He, DD Liang, Y Tian, Z Li, RS Yadav, F Wang, Y Yu, Y Feng “Discerning realizable advantages of microbial electrochemical system towards raw municipal wastewater treatment: From the analyses of mass and energy flow”, Journal of Power Sources (2021) vol. 495, p. 229706 (IF: 9.794)
- C Li, W He, D Liang, Y Tian, RS Yadav, Li Da, J Liu & Y Feng “The anaerobic and starving treatment eliminates filamentous bulking and recovers biocathode biocatalytic activity with residual organic loading in microbial electrochemical system”, Chemical Engineering Journal (2021) p. 127072. (IF: 16.744)
- C Li, W He, DD Liang, Y Tian, RS Yadav, J Liu, Y Feng “Power density of microbial electrochemical system responds to mass transfer characters of non–ion-selective microbial separator”, Bioresource Technology (2020) p. 123478. (IF: 11.889)
- S Ma, Y Yu, H Cui, RS Yadav, J Li, Y Feng “Unsterilized sewage treatment and carbohydrate accumulation in Tetradesmus obliquus PF3 with CO2 supplementation”, Algal Research, Vol.45 (2020) pp. 101741. (IF: 5.276)
- M Lv, Z Zhang, J Zeng, J Liu, M Sun, RS Yadav, Y Feng, “Roles of Magnetic Particles in Magnetic seeding coagulation flocculation process for surface water treatment”, Separation and Purification Technology, Vol.212 (2019), pp. 337-343. (IF: 9.139)
- S Ma, D Li, Y Yu, D Li, RS Yadav, Y Feng, “Application of a microalga, Scenedesmus obliquus PF3, for the biological removal of nitric oxide (NO) and carbon dioxide”, Environmental pollution, Vol.252 (2019) pp. 344-351. (IF: 9.998)
- S Tiwari, RS Yadav, BK Kuanr “Hemolysis and cytotoxicity studies of surface functionalized and bare core-shell Fe3O4 nanoparticles”, Advanced Science Letters, Vol.24 (2018) pp.907-912.
- RS Yadav, V Sharma and BK Kuanr “Magnetic Nanoparticles; Synthesis, Characterization & Application as Contrast Agent in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)”, Advanced Science Letters, Vol.20 (2014) pp.1548-1550.
R. Suresh, MH Yashvarddhan, RS Yadav, AB Ali, S.Singh, 2022, A Method For Preparation Of Sample For Nucleic Acid Extraction Free PCR, Intelectual Property India, (202211041619), Patent file date July 20th 2022.