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Full-time/Part-time, first and second-cycle studies


Modern mining is constantly changing. It is an industry with many facets and associated needs. In addition to the traditional one - open pit, underground and offshore (oil rigs) mining operations, projects for the extraction of concretions (clustered around an element, e.g. rock, minerals) from the sea and ocean floor are becoming more and more advanced. Moreover, concepts for economically justifiable space mining are also being developed.

The mining industry relies on the automation of production and the minimisation of the negative effects of the extraction of raw materials, which is why we provide solid preparation in computer science, computer-aided design (CAD), the basics of law (including EU law), environmental protection and issues related to economics, management and occupational safety. By studying, you will gain knowledge in geology, raw material extraction and mineral engineering, post-industrial land reclamation, as well as machine operation and industrial robotics. We are close to the ideas of a closed loop economy and Industry 4.0.


The development of civilisation, both in the past, at present and in the foreseeable future, depends on the extraction of raw materials. There are many valuable raw materials in our country. In addition to lignite and hard coal and copper ores, we have natural aggregates, limestone and marls used by the cement industry, copper ores, road and building stones, foundation sands. All are essential for the development of our economy. Specialists in modern automated mining technologies, capable of extracting raw materials safely, with respect for the environment, are highly valued and sought after, both nationally and internationally. In addition, tunnel construction is developing intensively in the country. Miners worked on the construction of the Warsaw underground and today build tunnels both in cities and in hard-to-reach mountainous regions. If you want to gain an interdisciplinary engineering education and, as a result, an interesting, well-paid job, then Geoengineering and Resource Extraction is for you. Because modern mining is more just a coal mining!


As a Geoengineering and Raw Materials Extraction student you will acquire knowledge, skills and competencies in:

- application of CAD in engineering graphics, engineering modelling,

- selected issues of geoengineering,

- extraction of internationally traded and nationally or locally important mineral resources,

- geology

- post-industrial land reclamation,

- industrial machinery and robotics,

- organisation, work safety,

- management of large multidisciplinary work teams

- taking up independent economic activity in line with the chosen path of graduation.


While studying, you will not only gain academic knowledge but also your first professional experience. A A four-week internship awaits you, in the form of an internship or employment in companies with a profile corresponding to your chosen degree path. Our students learn about state-of-the-art industrial technologies in companies that are national leaders in the industry: including Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, Polska Grupa Górnicza and TAURON Wydobycie. In addition to organising internships and student traineeships, the cooperation also includes joint projects and scientific and research work.


As a graduate of the faculty, you can work in companies, among others:

- those involved in the extraction and processing of raw materials, mineral waste management,

- using mining and drilling technologies,

- carrying out geological and engineering works,

- those involved in brownfield redevelopment,

- in the electrical machinery or automotive industries.

The skills we teach you will also enable you to be self-employed, and a good command of a foreign language, including technical vocabulary, will make it easier for you to look for work abroad as well.


Geoengineering and Raw Material Extraction is a new course of study that has been developed on the basis of experience gained in other, related courses. When creating its plan, changes in the socio-economic environment and the challenges facing the mining industry were taken into account. Our priority is an education that guarantees graduates an interesting, rewarding and financially attractive job.

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