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Transforming Transportation 2021: Reimagining Safe And Resilient Mobility For Recovery


For the first all-virtual Transforming Transportation, we are excited to gather and engage with a diverse audience from across the globe, and to offer more resources on pressing issues related to sustainable transportation and mobility.
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the global transport sector and the people and businesses that rely on it in unprecedented ways. Transforming Transportation 2021 takes the COVID-19 crisis as a starting point to reimagine transport and mobility.
Our forum brings together the most important stakeholders from the public, private, academic and civil society sectors for wide-ranging and vital discussions on how the transport sector has been impacted and how it needs to respond. We aim to seize this crucial juncture to establish a new narrative and find ways to build back better, with more resilience to crises, more accessibility for more people, and increased safety and sustainability.

Link: https://hopin.com/events/transforming-transportation-2021

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