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Wykłady otwarte Prof. Franka Balle z University of Freiburg

Serdecznie zapraszamy na organizowane przez Katedra Podstaw Konstrukcji Maszyn, Politechnika Śląska kolejne otwarte seminarium z cyklu ”Mechanika i Diagnostyka Konstrukcji”. Prelegent Professor Dr.-Ing. Frank Balle z Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH), University of Freiburg (Germany) wygłosi dwa wykłady pt. “Sustainable Systems Engineering – Research and Education at INATECH” oraz “Hybrid Materials Engineering – Joining and Testing of Multi-Material-Structures and Composites”
Kiedy❓ 👉 22.06.2022 godzina 13.30-15.00
Wstęp otwarty bez rejestracji❗
Ewentualnych dodatkowych informacji udziela ✅ Profesor Andrzej Katunin (andrzej.katunin@polsl.pl)
Streszczenie referatów (w j. ang.):

In the first part of the lecture, the youngest institute “INATECH” - the Institute of Sustainable Systems Engineering of the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, founded in 1457, is introduced from the research and educational point of view based on the 3 pillars: sustainable materials, energy systems and resilience engineering.

In the second part, selected results in the research area “Hybrid Material Engineering” will be discussed. A hybrid material system is created by combining different materials or even material classes using new manufacturing processes to form a composite material or, alternatively, a material combination by the help of a material-specific joining process. Ultrasonic technology is the common thread running through the research work: For example, power ultrasonics (US) are used to join dissimilar materials, such as light alloys (Al, Ti, steels) with polymer composites (CFRP, GFRP) or even glasses or ceramics to enable multifunctional as well as lightweighting concepts. In addition, we develop and apply power ultrasonics for accelerated fatigue testing of composites to study longevity and circularity options from a materials science and engineering prospective.

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