A A+ A++
Katedra Automatyki i Robotyki (RAU3-KAiR)

Adam Gałuszka

Email: Adam.Galuszka@polsl.pl

Nr. Tel: 322371140

Pracuje w jednostkach:

  • Katedra Automatyki i Robotyki (RAU3-KAiR)
    Profesor uczelni
  • Katedra Automatyki i Robotyki (RAU3-KAiR)
    Z-ca Kier.Katedry


Adam Gałuszka (born 1972) is a professor of automation and robotics at the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. He obtained a doctorate in technical sciences in the discipline of automation and robotics in 2001 and a habilitation degree in the discipline of automation and robotics in 2014. He gained professional experience during internships in Germany (Ruhr-Universitat Bochum), Italy, (University of L’Aquila, Dept. of Pure and Applied Mathematics), Ireland (University College Dublin, 118th European Study Group with Industry), Romania (Transilvania University of Brasov). He is a member of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering (PTETiS) and The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). 

His research interests are focused on issues related to artificial intelligence, static optimization, theory of games and graphs, in particular planning algorithms and their computational complexity, using elements of game theory and linear programming in planning. Didactic activity is related to objects related to optimization methods, control theory, and methods of artificial intelligence. 

Scientific achievements are about 140 publications, including 20 articles in JCR journals, participation in research and R & D projects as a manager or contractor. 

Scientific achievements include approx. 140 publications, including approx. 20 art. in journals from the Philadelphia list, participation in research and research and development projects as a manager (5, two in the table below), managing a research group (4 in the table below) or contractor (in the table below). 


Employment under an employment contract 

2001 – 2003: assistant professor, Department of Control Theory, Institute of Automatic Control, Silesian University of Technology, 

2004 – 2016: assistant professor, Control and Robotics Department of the same unit, 

1/10/2016 – current: professor at the Silesian University of Technology, Poland 

16/12/2019 – current: R&D expert on artificial intelligence tools, Department of Information Products and Indicators, Warsaw Stock Exchange, Poland 


Links and contact 






e-mail: Adam.Galuszka@polsl.pl  

AAAI Mem ID:67933 (www.aaai.org 

Member of Polskie Towarzystwo Elektrotechniki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej (www.ptetis.pl ) 

tel. (+48 32) 237 11 40, + 48 664 46 18 54 



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