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Profesorowie wizytujący

Jean-Charles LAMIREL
Prof. Jean-Charles Lamirel, University of Strasbourg, France (rok akademicki 2018/2019)
Dr. Habil. Jean-Charles Lamirel is both lecturer since 1997 and invited Sea-Sky Full Professor at DUT ‑ University of Dalian, China, since 2016. He got his PhD in 1995 and his Research Accreditation in 2010. He is currently teaching Information Science and Computer Science at the University of Strasbourg. His main domains of research are Machine Learning Models, Neural Networks, Textual Data Mining, Scientometrics and Social Networks analysis. He is the creator of the paradigms of Data Analysis based on Multiple Viewpoints and Metric based on Feature Maximization. The related models for which it has been proven that they outperform classical models are now used in many challenging Data Mining applications. His work generated an important scientific production: more than 45 invited conferences, PC member of more than 60 international conferences, organizer of 4 international conferences and of more than 18 special sessions in international conferences, editor of special issues in international journals and main author of more than 160 publications in international conferences and journals.
Che-Lun Hung 1
Prof. Che-Lun Hung, National Yang Ming University, Taiwan (rok akademicki 2020/2021)
Che-Lun Hung received the MS and PhD degrees from Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University and from Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua Univeristy in 2000 and 2010, respectively. In 2010, he joined the Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering in Providence University as an Assistant Professor. He became Associate Professor and Full Professor in Providence University in 2013 and 2016, respectively. He joined the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering in Chang Gung University as a Full Professor in 2018. In 2020, he has joined the Institute of Biomedical Informatics in National Yang Ming University as a Full Professor. His research interests are in the areas of deep learning, medical informatics, parallel and distributed computing, proteomics, genomics, systems biology, next-generation sequencing and computational chemistry.

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