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Proment Project


About PROMENT project

The project aims to foster students’ employability by developing their relevant professional competencies and civic engagement through the comprehensive tutoring and mentoring (T&M) system at partner HEIs as a response to the labour market demands.

The university T&M system will function on the basis of an integrated set of methods, algorithms, and procedures enriched with the dedicated IT-platform, university organisational structures, trained staff and active senior students. In complex, it will become an element of the sustainable educational process that will develop and improve students’ hard and soft skills, as well as active engagement in civic life.

The project activities are focused on developing basic tutoring and mentoring schemes, installing T&M centres, developing teaching/learning materials and tools, training academic staff, students and mentors from industry, as well as cooperating between targeted HEIs through the internationalisation of partners’ expertise, and strengthen their relations with the wider socioeconomic environment.

More details on: >> Proment Project website <<

Project Consortium

The Consortium brings together education- and business-oriented organizations that deliver excellent mutually beneficial results.
Given its diverse expertise and geographic location, the consortium offers a multifaceted approach, complementing each other’s mission and expertise to support student professional development for 10 higher education institutions from 6 countries and 6 industrial partners.
4 universities from Ukraine and 2 universities from Georgia united the idea of testing the T&M system of professional development of students.
Industrial partners of the universities welcomed the idea of adding a practical component to the organization of the initial process outside of traditional classes.
EU partners welcomed the opportunity to share existing experience

Silesian University of Technology in PROMENT Consortium

The SUT College of Studies is responsible for the mentoring program for the graduates of secondary schools undertaking studies at the Silesian University of Technology. The essence of the program is to create conditions for its participants for the existence of a mentor-participant relationship, where the mentor acts as a guide, advisor supporting the mentee in the development of substantive competences, as well as those related to personal development. SUT offers individual mentoring programs to most active students in the form of Individual Course of Studies, in most of the cases involving Project Based Learning approach. This individualised education had been granted to over 600 SUT students over the last 3 years. SUT is realising NCBiR (National Center of Research and Development) POWER 3.5/1 and POWER 3.5/2 (with the overall budget est. 70 M PLN) which enhance students’ skills by trainings, placements and innovative forms of studies.


Proment Seminar at SUT 06-10.11.2023


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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