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Royal Philips is a leader in the field of medical technology. Our mission is to change people’s lives for the better and help users of our products achieve better results at all stages of the health care process. We operate in over 100 countries around the world, employing a total of approximately 104,000 employees.
We use advanced technologies, clinical trial data and consumer feedback to deliver integrated solutions. We are a leader in the field of imaging diagnostics, treatment based on imaging techniques, patient monitoring and medical informatics, as well as in the field of health care and home care.

Raygenic produces innovative technology solutions for radiologists. Created to assist today’s doctors with current health challenges, we use AI and cutting-edge technology to enhance the work of medical centers. Our primary aim is to provide swifter, reliable diagnoses to a greater number of patients, ultimately promoting longer and healthier lives.

Our technological partner, Onwelo, is a Polish tech company dedicated to digitalizing and automating medical centers. It produce technology designed to accelerate and refine contemporary healthcare, and Raygenic stands as a part of that commitment.

ENforce is a producer of the most advanced solutions in the field of lower limb prosthetics. When creating the first Polish bionic foot prosthesis, we dreamed that it would allow people affected by the tragedy of amputation to take their new first steps towards returning to normal activity. Now, due to our ideas, passion, commitment and over 40,000 hours in laboratories, as a team of Polish engineers, doctors and physiotherapists, we are launching the innovative ENforce Bionic Foot and ENforce Dynamic Foot prostheses. It is a proof of our capabilities and a step towards dreams.

To us every single patient is important, a person with his own story that led him to a specific place. By supporting amputees to learn to walk again, we become their partners with each step. The awareness that someone is taking their new first step with us fills us with pride and proves that what we are doing makes sense


CHIRMED is a manufacturer of high quality surgical and dental instruments and non-medical components made of stainless steel and titanium. The company was established in 1946. The basic scope of the company’s activity includes the production, service and implementation of medical instruments for general surgery, cardiovascular surgery, orthopedics, dentistry, ophthalmology, ENT. The mission of the company is  “From idea to solution”, which means that the products are manufactured on site from a scratch, including the design and development processes.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the company actively participates in research and development projects as an industrial partner in cooperation with Polish research universities. The main projects include participation in international consortiums within M-Era.Net program and own R&D projects on implementing innovative surgical instruments.

© Politechnika Śląska

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