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Session: Computational Oncology and Personalized Medicine

Priority Research Area

We warmly invite you to a Priority Research Area Session: Computational Oncology and Personalized Medicine

October 11, 2022 at 11:00 am

Philips Auditorium

The dynamic industrial development that began in the 20th century and the change in the age structure of the society brought a large increase in the incidence of so-called civilisation diseases, currently responsible for over 80% of deaths. Integration of technical sciences with medicine and biology has in recent years contributed to a significant improvement in both diagnostics and planning and monitoring of the effects of therapy and the emergence of new research platforms allowing for an even greater understanding of the causes and evolution of diseases. Thanks to the long-term and systematically developed cooperation of the Silesian University of Technology (SUT) and the National Research Institute of Oncology in Gliwice (NIO), joint research is carried out in interdisciplinary research teams with support funded by the SUT, NIO, the National Science Centre, Poland (NCN) and the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) (over 70 projects acquired in the last five years ) and foreign agencies (NIH, EU FP7, H2020, Euratom, NSF, 14 grants). The thematic scope of the implemented projects is extensive, covering both molecular-level research and multifactor analysis of patients’ survival.



Joanna Polańska, MD PhD, Prof
Ewa Piętka, MD PhD, Prof


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