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POB6.6 Education for sustainable development and shaping environmental awareness   

Prof. Aleksandra Kuzior ROZ
Ph.: +48 32 277 7322

In order to effectively protect the natural environment and counteract the progressive human pressure, in addition to research and cooperation with the socio-economic environment, educational activities are also necessary. Due to the deteriorating environmental parameters, climate warming, water, soil and air pollution, education for sustainable development and shaping ecological awareness of all social groups becomes an important element of the university's impact on the environment, implemented as part of the third mission. Educational projects, seminars and workshops conducted by the university are addressed to various groups, ranging from primary and secondary school students to entrepreneurs, representatives of local government units, professionally active groups and seniors. The range of possible support tools in shaping responsible human behavior in the environment is very wide. It should be noted, however, that this is a long-term process that requires a holistic approach and activation of the activities of civil society, therefore the transfer of knowledge to the society and broad cooperation of universities with the environment are also important. The SUT already has enormously contributed to various aspects of the transformation of the energy system. 

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