A A+ A++

POB6.11 Strategy for sustainable development of energy and gas energy  

Dr. Marcin Szczygieł, RE
Ph.: +48 32 237 2378

Research is also carried out on the conversion and use of CO2. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the development of alternative clean energy, is becoming one of the most important challenges facing humanity, hence the ongoing research into the development of new nanocatalysts for use in the methanation process. These studies include the development of bimetallic nanocatalysts in a combination of nickel-noble metal (gold, platinum, palladium, etc.) with the use of carriers in the form of nickel foams and molecular mesh. The goal is to increase the efficiency of the methanation process, as well as to scale the technology to commercial applications. 

Scientists from the Silesian University of Technology conduct research on the efficiency of the energy conversion process in reciprocating internal combustion engines powered by alternative fuels and gas biofuels. They focus in particular on: the combustion of hydrogen-enriched biogas, gas from biomass gasification, ammonia and pure hydrogen; optimization of energy indicators of internal combustion engines in connection with the minimization of harmful impact on the natural environment; testing and diagnostics of low-power cogeneration systems powered by natural gas, biogas and propane-butane mixture. 

They also successfully deal with numerical CFD modeling of the pyrolysis and gasification reactor model, determining unknown quantities that characterize the process and carry out research on the process of solar biomass pyrolysis.

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