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IT Centre

Łużycka 5, 44-100 Gliwice

Status zabezpieczeń COVID-19

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Brak wpisów

The IT Centre was established on the basis of Order No. 18/15/16 of the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology dated 10 December 2015 on changes in the structure of the Central Administration. As of 1 April 2019, the amended tasks of the IT Centre are defined in § 4 of Order No. 36/2019.

The main tasks of the IT Centre include in particular:

  1. exploitation and development of environmental information resources,
  2. provision of services related to the development and maintenance of the University's IT infrastructure and maintenance of University-wide IT systems and applications,
  3. maintenance, operation and development of central IT systems supporting the management of the University and multi-platform systems providing e-services, in particular the Integrated IT System (ZSI), e-Politechnika,
  4. maintenance, operation and development of systems for handling the course of studies, enrolment and auxiliary deanery systems (SOTS, USOS),
  5. maintenance, operation and development of the e-CZP system,
  6. maintenance, operation and development of an information management system with dedicated registers, reports and analyses for the purposes of, inter alia, personal data protection and management control (KMS VC),
  7. providing the University's units and employees with basic IT services, including:
      1. a) electronic communication system (e-mail, staff accounts),
      1. b) authorisation mechanisms for access to controlled IT services of the University (certificates, electronic signature),
      1. c) maintenance and operation of information services of the University, basic units and other units of the University, including conferences, scientific circles, associations,
                d) maintenance and support of virtualized IT environments,
  8. supervision over the maintenance, operation and technical support of the IT infrastructure in the University and in the units for which the University is the managing body within the meaning of the Act - Education Law,
  9. sharing specialised software for selected areas of application with all units of the University through campus licences,
  10. ongoing record keeping and supervision of software licensed at the University,
  11. up-to-date records of the resources comprising the University's IT infrastructure and the persons responsible for the maintenance, operation and support of these resources,
  12. liaising with the unit responsible for procurement and purchasing regarding the purchase of hardware and software,
  13. substantive coordination of investment requests from University units, and preparation of requests for central IT infrastructure,
  14. participation in research work related to computerisation, digitisation and use of the University's computing resources,
  15. developing and updating policies for maintaining the availability and continuity of University-wide IT equipment, service systems and applications at specified levels,
  16. maintenance, operation and development of software supporting local and remote access of employees and students of the Silesian University of Technology to the resources of the university Library,
  17. maintenance, exploitation and development of database systems supporting collecting, storing and providing access to information concerning scientific achievements of employees and students of the Silesian University of Technology,
  18. implementing and maintaining network and data security procedures for the Library's systems, with particular attention to the security of personal databases,
  19. participating in the development, implementation and monitoring of compliance with the University's computer systems security policy procedures,
  20. carrying out other instructions given by the Vice-Rector for Science and Development.

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