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Data Science

2st cycle degree programme, stationary

General description of the Data Science studies. MSc. studies in area of Data Science in the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Informatics, Silesian University of Technology are given in English and concern issues related to contemporary algorithms of data processing and their applications. Teaching and discussing techniques of data analysis have interdisciplinary character, include elements of information technologies, several computational and algorithmic aspects of data analysis, statistics and many links to specific knowledge in areas of applications. Studies include lectures, laboratories and projects taught by specialists in data analysis, with the help of modern computational techniques, supported by high quality hardware tools, focused on real data sets and contemporary, important problems of their processing. Some of the optional courses are given by experts from information technology companies.
Studying data science in English allows for wider access to the literature and better possibilities for international cooperation. Industrial stakeholders of the Data Science specialization are scientific institutions and enterprises developing systems and software for data analyses, prognoses, computer aided business and industrial decision making, which search for high quality staff for supporting their projects.

Faculty mentor: Dr inż. Michał Marczyk

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