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Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing

Priority Research Area

Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing

Priority Research Area

Research Area News

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Network biology: from omics visualization to omics interpretation

Please join us for our next POB2 seminar on June 23 at 2 p.m. Our speaker will be Professor Lars Juhl Jensen, a well-known expert in network biology and text mining.

Paweł Kasprowski
2022-06-09 20:15:29
2022-06-10 20:40:32

The Advent of Artificial Intelligence and Edge Computing for Space Applications

We cordially welcome you to the POB2 Seminar devoted to Space Applications presented by the reserchers from the European Space Agency!

Paweł Kasprowski
2022-06-06 22:39:04
2022-06-10 19:07:06

POB2 Seminar: AI systems security

Bezpieczeństwo systemów sztucznej inteligencji
Artificial Intelligence plays nowadays a strategic role for every data-driven organization and therefore securing it is of utmost importance. AI systems hold the same opportunities for exploitation as any other systems, but have their own unique set of threats and countermeasures. One of the most frequent attacks on AI systems is done by providing the system with malicious input. The security matrix is much more complex and during the presentation, we are going to perform a thorough examination of the subject. We are going to explore the MITRE ATLAS, which is a knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques for AI systems based on real-world observations. Among others we will talk about initial access, defense evasion, and exfiltration. We will provide AI Security demos and case studies as well.

Paweł Kasprowski
2022-05-17 19:29:01
2022-05-17 22:16:02

POB2 Seminar: Instance selection methods: past, present and future

We cordially invite you to the POB2 Seminar on May 12, 2022, 15:00.
This time we will have the opportunity to listen to the presentation of dr Álvar Arnaiz from University of Burgos, Spain.
The title of the presentation will be:  Instance selection methods: past, present and future

Paweł Kasprowski
2022-05-08 12:42:59
2022-06-06 22:44:52

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POB1 seminar - 15 December 2021


Network biology: from omics visualization to omics interpretation


The Advent of Artificial Intelligence and Edge Computing for Space Applications


The use of artificial intelligence in network protection


POB2 Seminar: Instance selection methods: past, present and future


Bezpieczeństwo systemów sztucznej inteligencji


POB2 Seminar: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): architecture, principles of operation and applications


POB2 seminar: European Commission's legal regulations on artificial intelligence


Cognitive techn​ologies - Konferencja nt. Etyczne aspekty rozwoju sztucznej inteligencji i technologii kognitywnych


POB2 seminar: Cybersecurity


POB2 seminar: Sound analysis


1st International Conference "Priority Research Areas of the Silesian University of Technology - problems and challenges"


POB2 Seminar: Digital images


POB2 seminar: Social aspects of AI


POB2 seminar: Optimization methods


Digital Images

Sound and Vibration

Development of artificial intelligence methods and knowledge engineering


Bioinformatics and Medicine

Devices, technological processes and computer networks

Time series in motion analysis and business analytics

Social and ethical aspects

Advance Data Analysis and its Applications Group

Researchers’ Achievements

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Lack of data


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Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG

Paweł Kasprowski
2021-03-07 10:26:05
2021-03-07 13:59:53

KP Labs

Paweł Kasprowski
2021-02-24 18:28:07
2021-03-19 11:36:35

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Jak nasz mózg widzi świat? Wykład na Nocy Naukowców 2020

Our research in the cloud

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