A A+ A++

Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering

Katowice, Krasińskiego 8 St.

Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering

Katowice, Krasińskiego 8 St.
Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering
Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering
Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering
Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering
Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering
Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering

Faculty News

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Cooperation with ATSU in Georgia

Andrzej Trzaska
2023-10-11 08:28:06
2023-10-11 08:30:52

Invitation on aLIFEca FINAL CONFERENCE – a conference on Life Cycle Assessment, Today’s Automotive and aLIFEca project

Andrzej Trzaska
2023-10-05 09:03:00
2023-10-11 11:15:49

Seminarium na temat pojazdów autonomicznych z laureatem grantu ERC

Grzegorz Sierpiński
2023-07-07 12:54:24
2023-07-07 13:02:12

Relacja z wykładu prof. Carmelo D’Agostino

Grzegorz Sierpiński
2023-07-07 11:41:46
2023-07-07 11:48:04

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Department of Road Transport

Department of Rail Transport

Department of Air Transport

Department of Transport Systems, Traffic Engineering and Logistics

Scientific and research works, service works, court opinions, opinions about innovativeness

POB4 - Smart cities and future mobility



First-cycle studies


Second-cycle studies


Study in English


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Transport Problems 2021


Transport Systems. Theory and Practice

Researchers’ Achievements

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Professors from out faculty among the world's most influential scientists

Andrzej Trzaska
2022-10-24 14:34:22
2022-10-24 14:36:16

Pierwsza habilitacja pracownika WTIL przyznana przez RDILT

Andrzej Trzaska
2021-05-31 12:51:18
2021-05-31 12:52:34

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Students’ Achievements

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Projects of student research clubs financed by the IDUB program

Seven projects submitted by six student research clubs from the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering received funding as a result of the 3rd competition conducted as part of the Initiative of Excellence - Research University program.

Andrzej Trzaska
2021-03-11 12:07:57
2021-03-11 14:08:02

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Faculty Multimedia

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Faculty intro

Lab. locomotive simulator

Opening the innovation zone of the city of Katowice

Minicipal business incubator and technology transfer sites

Photo Stories

EDUAL Conference 2021

Transport Problems conferencje in remote mode

Opening the yard

Student flights

Facullty staff in the fight against the pandemic

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„E-Politechnika Śląska - utworzenie platformy elektronicznych usług publicznych Politechniki Śląskiej”

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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie