Start - Contact
Silesian University of Technology
ul. Akademicka 2A
44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Phone +48 32 237 1000
Fax +48 32 237 1655
NIP (TIN): 631-020-07-36
REGON: 000001637
Important contact data
Contact for media
Spokesperson of the Silesian University of Technology
Iwona Flanczewska-Rogalska
Phone +48 797 376559
+48 32 237 1497
ul. Akademicka 2A, room 295
44-100 Gliwice
Research Office
Gliwice, ul. Akademicka 2A, room 42
+48 32 237 22 05 Head of the Office
+48 32 237 21 92 Secretariat
Gliwice, ul. Akademicka 2A, room 42
+48 32 237 22 05 Head of the Office
+48 32 237 21 92 Secretariat
Student Career Office
Gliwice, ul. S. Konarskiego 20, room 106
+48 32 237 20 75 Secretariat
+48 32 237 15 59
Gliwice, ul. S. Konarskiego 20, room 106
+48 32 237 20 75 Secretariat
+48 32 237 15 59
Development Office
Gliwice, ul. Akademicka 2A, room 303
+48 32 237 28 75 Head of the Office
Gliwice, ul. Akademicka 2A, room 303
+48 32 237 28 75 Head of the Office
Centre for Incubation
and Technology Transfer
and Technology Transfer
Gliwice, ul. S. Banacha 7
+48 32 400 34 00 Secretariat
+48 32 400 34 01
Gliwice, ul. S. Banacha 7
+48 32 400 34 00 Secretariat
+48 32 400 34 01
Studies Service Centre
Gliwice, ul. Akademicka 2A
+48 32 237 10 79 Head of the Centre
+ 48 32 237 16 90 Admission Office
Gliwice, ul. Akademicka 2A
+48 32 237 10 79 Head of the Centre
+ 48 32 237 16 90 Admission Office
International Relations Office
Gliwice, ul. Akademicka 2A, room 293
+48 32 237 16 08 Head of the Office
+48 32 237 19 44
International Mobility Section
Gliwice, ul. Akademicka 2, room 48
+48 32 237 17 53 Head of the Section
+48 32 237 13 29
Gliwice, ul. Akademicka 2A, room 293
+48 32 237 16 08 Head of the Office
+48 32 237 19 44
International Mobility Section
Gliwice, ul. Akademicka 2, room 48
+48 32 237 17 53 Head of the Section
+48 32 237 13 29
Personnel Management Office
Gliwice, ul. S. Konarskiego 18
+48 32 237 13 72 Head of the Office, room 341
+48 32 237 14 74 Team for the academic staff
+48 32 237 14 35 Team for non-academic staff
+48 32 237 16 91 Remuneration Office, room 346
Gliwice, ul. S. Konarskiego 18
+48 32 237 13 72 Head of the Office, room 341
+48 32 237 14 74 Team for the academic staff
+48 32 237 14 35 Team for non-academic staff
+48 32 237 16 91 Remuneration Office, room 346