Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science
Current COVID-19 risk level
more informationCurrent COVID-19 risk level at the Silesian University of Technology:
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0Current COVID-19 risk level in the "Didactics" area:
0Faculty News
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Show allOnline Information Meeting about Master’s Studies in Control, Electronics, and Information Engineering (CEIE) at 5:00 PM
Information meeting for candidates for Control, Electronic, and Information Engineering studiesat 18:00(EN)
Opening of Katowice location of the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science and Intel modern laboratory
Information meeting on the Control, Electronic and Information Engineering master studies at 16:00.
Dean's hours from 10.00 am to. 2 p.m, for all students of the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science
Alstom D&IS Europe management visited to the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science
Ceremonial inauguration of the academic year 2022/2023, at the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science
POB1 seminar - Wednesday 20 April 4pm, zoom meeting, our guest: dr. Jacob T. Sturdy from NTNU Trondheim
April 5 to 8: visit the Belimo Roadshow Truck standing in the internal parking lot of the AEI Faculty
Seminarium POB1 -19 stycznia 2022- gościem będzie dr hab. inż. Przemysław Biecek, prof. PW & UW.
Invitation to an Information meeting on the Master's studies in the field of and Aeronautics Aerospace Engineering on 18 January 2022 at 3:00 pm on the zoom platform
Invitation to an Information meeting on the Master's studies in the field of Control, Electronic, and Information Engineering (Macrocourse) on December 3rd (Friday) at 17:00.
June 25-28: Series of remote expert lectures on "GPU Computing", by Prof. Che-Lun Hung of the Institute Industrial of National Yang Ming University in Taipei, Taiwan.
Faculty Multimedia
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Santander Universidades to jeden z fundamentów społecznego zaangażowania Banku Zachodniego BZWBK oraz Grupy Santander.
Santander Universidades to jeden z fundamentów społecznego zaangażowania Banku Zachodniego BZWBK oraz Grupy Santander.