Start - Events

from 17-01-2022
from 14:00
to 17-01-2022
to 17:00
Author: Paweł Skóra Published at: 17.01.2022 Last update: 17.01.2022
E-conferences Meet the Project
Dear SUT Researchers,
I would like to invite you to the e-conferences "POB3 Meet the Project", which will be held on January 17, 2022 (Monday), the meeting will be in the Polish language. The meeting is open to everyone, and in particular, we invite young scientists. At the meeting, we will learn about the aspects of applying for European funds (Horizon Europe), how to search for projects and apply. The Horizon Europe program will be presented by Dr. Jarosław Piekarski from the National Center for Research and Development and the National Contact Point
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Best wishes,
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