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Kształcenie studentów i doktorantów

Education of students and PhDs

Task 10: Involving students in research

  • development of PBL education - 100 projects per semester
  • projects of student scientific associations - 100 projects per semester
  • implementation of the Harvard method of interactive classes and the Oxford method of organizing and completing classes in relevant subjects

Expected financing: PLN 22,500,000 (IDUB) + PLN 3,800,000


Task 11: Support to outstanding doctoral students at the doctoral school and support to the doctoral school internationalisation

  • 100% higher scholarship for the best doctoral students from Poland and abroad,
  • mobility package,
  • grant for doctoral students from abroad

Expected financing: PLN 19,400 (IDUB) + PLN 4,500,000 (PO WER)


Task 14: Launching the Centre of Creativity

  • restoration and renovation by students of a building purchased in 2019 from the city of Gliwice
  • launching the Creativity Center as a place of creativity and implementation of student projects

Expected financing: PLN 10,000,000 (IDUB) + PLN 850,000


Task 25: Launch incentive programmes in order to attract the best candidates for students

  • running an attractive mentoring program for students, as well as a support program for the best candidates from abroad
  • mentor support

Expected financing: PLN 19,000,000 (IDUB) + PLN 3,150,000


Total funding of students and PhDs education: PLN 83,200,000

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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie