Start - Events

from 09-12-2021
from 15:00
to 09-12-2021
to 17:00
Author: Anna Orłowska Published at: 07.12.2021 Last update: 07.12.2021
POB5 Theme Conference: Process Automation and Industry 4.0 - Digital Transformation - Rapid Prototyping of Systems
On December 9, 2021. (Thursday) at 3.00 p.m. a thematic conference (2nd edition) devoted to sub-areas of POB5 will be held
- Sub-area 11: Digital transformation, maturity models, business models - coordinator: Dr Mirosław Matusek,
- Sub-area 12: Methods of rapid prototyping and design of multicontext control and multicontext systems - coordinator: Prof. Adam Milik,
We invite you to submit proposals for presentations. Submissions should include:
- title of presentation;
- author data; speaker data (including e-mail address);
- number of the sub-area to which the presentation is submitted POB5.11 or POB5.12.
Applications should be sent to the coordinators by 7.12.2021:
- (submissions for sub-area POB5.11 )
- (submissions for sub-area POB5.12)
Presentations should be prepared in Polish. Speaking time: max. 15 minutes max.