A A+ A++
from 27-09-2021
from 16:30
to 27-09-2021
to 18:30
Author: Anna Orłowska Published at: 27.09.2021 Last update: 27.09.2021

POB1 Seminar: Computational Oncology and Personalized Medicine

The end of the summer semester will take place another POB1 seminar: Computational Oncology and Personalized Medicine. 

The meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 27 at 4:30 PM.

The guest of Akbari's guest will be PhD of the Silesian University of Technology Opportunities at the Biotechnology Center and Victoria in Cell,
who will give a lecture entitled: Advanced multifunctional fibers - from wearable sensors to organ weaving. With the entirety of Dr. Akbarirob's scientific learning,
please visit https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tQxGunEAAAAJ&hl=en The seminar will be led by Prof. Marek Łos. Connect to meetings: Join a Zoom meeting https://zoom.us/j/97598414268?pwd=aGhJaVhMcjY4NEt0TnFZc0VZZHNVUT09 Meeting ID: 975 9841 4268 Access code: 614927


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