Start - Events

from 11-03-2021
from 12:00
to 11-03-2021
to 17:00
Author: Paweł Skóra Published at: 24.02.2021 Last update: 14.03.2024
E-conferences "POB3 Meet the Project Officer", March 11, 2021 (changed fron March 04, 2021)
Dear SUT Researchers,
I would like to invite you to the e-conferences "POB3 Meet the Project Officer", which will be held on March 11, 2021 at 12:00. The meeting is open to everyone, and in particular we invite young scientists. At the meeting, we will meet Mr. Apostolos Paralikas who is an officer in a number of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovation Training Network projects funded by the European Commission. Mr. Paralikas will present the roles of an officer and what are the most common mistakes in the implementation of EU projects.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 1871 9922
Passcode: 360589
Best wishes,
Przemysław Data