Start - Events

from 16-02-2021
from 12:00
to 16-02-2021
to 15:00
Author: Paweł Skóra Published at: 24.02.2021 Last update: 29.03.2021
E-conferences "POB3 Meet the Company", February 16, 2021
Dear SUT Researchers,
I would like to invite you to the e-conferences "POB3 Meet the Company", which will be held on February 16, 2021 (Tuesday). The meeting is open to everyone, and in particular we invite young scientists. At the meeting, we will meet Mr. Dr Roland Kalb, the owner of Prionic GmbH, which specializes in the design and sale of ionic liquids. At the meeting, Dr. Kalb will present his path from the scientist to the head of the company.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 952 7193 9529
Passcode: 386027
Best wishes,
Przemysław Data