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Honorary Doctors of the Silesian University of Technology
The title of Doctor Honoris Causa is conferred by the Senate of the Silesian University of Technology upon distinguished people of particular merit for the development of science, technical, or socio-economic progress.
Honorary doctorates of the Silesian University of Technology
Prof. Piotr Grigoriewicz Romankow
Specialist in chemical engineering. Professor at the Leningrad Institute of Technology.
Prof. Jean Charles Gille
Specialist in cybernetics. Professor at the Aviation College in Paris and at the Université Laval in Quebec (Canada).
Prof. Tadeusz Hobler
Specialist in chemical engineering and chemical apparatus design. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Honorary doctor of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute.
Prof. Stanislaw Ochęduszko
Specialist in thermodynamics. Professor and Rector of the Silesian University of Technology. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Prof. Aleksander Dokukin
Specialist in mining mechanics and electronics. Professor at the Academy of Mining Industry in Moscow.
Prof. Marian Kamieński
Specialist in the field of geology. Professor at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków.
Prof. Gieorgij Pavlovich Łyszczyński
Specialist in automatic control and electric drives. Professor and Rector of the Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering.
Prof. Jean Lagasse
Specialist in electrical engineering, electronics and automatic control. Professor at the University of Toulouse (France).
Prof. Friedrich Staub
Specialist in metal science. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Stefan Kaufman
Specialist in civil engineering. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Lucjan Nehrebecki
Specialist in power engineering. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Andrzej Bolewski
Prof. Edmund Romer
Specialist in industrial measurements. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Jerzy Siwiński
Specialist in automatic control of industrial processes. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Wacław Sakwa
Specialist in foundry engineering. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Rector and Honorary Doctor at the Częstochowa University of Technology.
Prof. Stefan Węgrzyn
Specialist in computer science. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Honorary Doctor of the University of Lille (France), University of Sherbrooke (Canada), AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków.
Prof. Leonid Tuszynski
Specialist in metals science and technology. Professor at the Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering.
Prof. Marc Roubens
Specialist in applied mathematics. Professor at the Technical University of Mons (Belgium).
Prof. Oktawian Popowicz
Specialist in mining machinery. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology. Honorary Doctor of the Freiberg Academy of Mining.
Prof. Jan Szargut
Specialist in thermodynamics. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Honorary Doctor of the Czestochowa University of Technology.
Prof. Tadeusz Zagajewski
Specialist in the field of electronics. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Prof. Rudolf Jeschar
Specialist in thermal power engineering. Professor and Rector of the Clausthal University of Technology (Germany).
Prof. Klaus Spies
Specialist in mining mechanization. Professor at the technical universities in Berlin and Aachen (Germany).
Prof. Janusz Dietrych
Specialist in the theory of machine design. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Asker L. Zadeh
Author of fuzzy sets theory. Professor at the University of California, Berkeley; honorary doctorate conferred by several renowned universities worldwide.
Prof. Mieczysław Mąkosza
Organic chemist. Professor and Director at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. Honorary Degree of the Doctor of Science conferred by the University of Indianapolis, honorary doctorate of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Prof. Adolf Maciejny
Specialist in metallurgy and thermal treatment, material science and materials science. Professor at the Silesian University of Technology. Corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Prof. Andrzej Burghardt
Chemist and specialist in chemical engineering. Associate Professor and Director at the Institute of Chemical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences in Gliwice, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Prof. Olgierd Cecyl Zienkiewicz
Co-author of the finite elements method. Professor at the University of Wales, Swansea, Great Britain. Several honorary doctorates conferred by European, American and Asian universities.
Prof. Povl Ole Fanger
Specialist in the field of indoor environmental engineering. Professor and Director at the Danish Technical University in Lyngby. Honorary doctorate of the University of Coimbra and Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
Prof. Jurij Kirylowicz Rudawskij
Awarded for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of mathematical physics and theory of liquid magnetic materials and the development of scientific and didactic cooperation between the Silesian University of Technology and Lviv Polytechnic.
Prof. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
Awarded for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of biocybernetics, computer image processing and computer image understanding, and for his significant contribution to the development of scientific and didactic cooperation between the Silesian University of Technology and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków.
Prof. Władysław Karol Włosiński
Awarded for his outstanding scientific achievements in advanced materials bonding engineering, outstanding contribution to the organisation of scientific research in Poland and for achievements in cooperation between the Silesian University of Technology and the Warsaw University of Technology.
Prof. Stanisław Ciborowski
Awarded for the outstanding contribution to the development of chemical technology, in particular to the development of oxidation processes in the liquid phase, for extremely active and extensive implementation activity in Poland and abroad, as well as for many years of fruitful scientific cooperation with the employees of the Faculty of Chemistry at the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Jerzy Buzek
Awarded for his outstanding contribution to the development of Polish and European science, the implementation of a European Union research programme, enabling a highly efficient and unified European Research Area involving the new member states and his tireless promotion of the development of clean coal technologies as an essential element of a safe energy system in Europe.
Prof. Bohdan Lewicki
Awarded in recognition of his special merits for the development of science and significant research, technical and popularisation achievements in civil engineering, in particular, in the field of wall systems and standardisation and also for many years of creative cooperation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Stanisław Bolkowski
Awarded in recognition of his significant contribution to the education of generations of engineers, masters, doctorates, supervision of many postdoctoral students and professors. For his initiative to create emerging lines of scientific research, significant scientific and teaching publications, many years of creative cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Eugeniusz Świtoński
Awarded in recognition of outstanding research achievements and significant organisational accomplishments for the development of technical sciences, shaping and supporting continuous improvement of the high scientific and research level of the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Jakub Siemek
Awarded in recognition of his significant contribution to the development of mining and geology, in particular, for his contribution of cognitive and utilitarian values in the engineering of hydrocarbon deposits and hydrodynamics of porous media, initiatives to generate new lines of scientific research. For many years of creative cooperation in the promotion of the Faculty of Mining and Geology at the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Tadeusz Chmielniak
Awarded for his outstanding contribution to the development of Polish science, especially in disciplines related to machine construction and maintenance and power engineering, for inspiring new research directions in power engineering technologies and implementation of their results, in recognition of significant contribution to the development of scientific staff and the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Michał Kleiber
Awarded as one of the most outstanding Polish scientists of a very high international reputation in advanced mechanics of structures and materials and the application of modern computer techniques in various areas of science and technology - for extremely rich, diversified and effective scientific, educational and organisational work for the scientific community, for his extensive, long-term cooperation with the staff of the Silesian University of Technology in a various scientific and organisational areas, especially in the field of computational sciences, and for his openness, a willingness to share his knowledge and kindness.
Prof. Krzysztof J. Kurzydłowski
Awarded in recognition of outstanding scientific achievements contributing to the development of materials engineering, significant contribution to the organisation of scientific research in Poland and training of scientific personnel, as well as for long-term cooperation with the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Tadeusz Kaczorek
Awarded - as an outstanding scientist in the field of automatic control and robotics - in recognition of his contribution to the control theory and the organisation of Polish science, as well as the training and promotion of scientific staff.
Brig. Gen. Prof. Zygmunt Mierczyk
Awarded for his outstanding contribution to the development of science and economy, in particular in the field of materials engineering for optoelectronics, promoting and developing scientific and organisational cooperation in security and defence technologies and in recognition of his significant contribution to the development of new research areas at the Silesian University of Technology, as well as for his openness, kindness and willingness to share knowledge.
Prof. Jan Węglarz
Awarded - as an outstanding scientist in the field of computer science - in recognition of his significant contribution to the development of operations research, in particular the theory of task prioritisation and resource operation in computer and production systems, for his merits in the training of scientific staff and development of an internationally recognised scientific school in operations research, and also in recognition of his significant contribution to the development of the science IT infrastructure in Poland and integrating it with the global infrastructure.
Prof. Antoni Tajduś
Awarded for his outstanding scientific and research, teaching and organisational achievements in geomechanics, geotechnics, mining of mineral resources and his activity for the development and promotion of the Silesian University of Technology at the national and international arena.
Prof. Janusz Kowal
Awarded for outstanding contribution to the development of science and economy, in particular in the field of machine dynamics,
mechatronics, control systems and vibroacoustics, and in recognition of his significant contribution to the development of staff and new research areas at the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Bogdan Nogalski
Awarded for his creative and recognised scientific and research achievements in economics, in the discipline of management sciences, significant impact on the development of Polish entrepreneurship and economy, also for his intensive and kind support for the development of young scientific staff, including employees of the Faculty of Organization and Management at the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Tadeusz Burczynski
Awarded for inspiring new directions of research in the field of computational sciences and implementing their results in various areas of science and technology, and for his significant contribution to the development of the Silesian University of Technology.
Prof. Aleksander Sieroń
An outstanding scientist with a rare ability to combine and apply in practice and science the engineering skills and medical knowledge to save human health and life.
Dr Bertrand Piccard
05.12.2018 r.
A visionary and an innovator inspiring people around the world to create innovative technological solutions that serve society, improve living conditions and stimulate creativity.
Prof. Andrzej Burghardt
Prof. Povl Ole Fanger
Prof. Olgierd Cecyl Zienkiewicz
Prof. Jurij Kiryłowicz Rudawskij
Prof. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
Prof. Władysław Karol Włosiński
Prof. Stanisław Ciborowski
Prof. Tadeusz Chmielniak
Prof. Michał Kleiber
Prof. Krzysztof J. Kurzydłowski
Honorary doctorates conferred by other universities
The scientists of the Silesian University of Technology have been conferred the highest academic honour - the title of doctor honoris causa - by many universities in Poland and all over the world. Below, in chronological order, there is a list of professors of the Silesian University of Technology, together with the universities that have conferred the titles.
Prof. Zygmunt Ciechanowski - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Gdansk University of Technology (1957).
Prof. Oktawian Popowicz - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Freiberg Academy of Mining (1965).
Prof. Tadeusz Hobler - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Leningrad Institute of Technology (1968).
Prof. Stefan Węgrzyn – doctor honoris causa conferred by the University of Lille (1973), the University of Sherbrooke (1977), the AGH University of Science and Technology (1989) and the Rzeszów University of Technology (2004).
Prof. Jerzy Szuba – doctor honoris causa conferred by the Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering (1974).
Prof. Antoni Bogucki - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering (1976).
Prof. Jerzy Nawrocki – doctor honoris causa conferred by the Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering (1978).
Prof. Wacław Sakwa – doctor honoris causa conferred by the Częstochowa University of Technology (1985).
Prof. Zygmunt Zahorski - doctor honoris causa conferred by the University of Łódz (1987).
Prof. Mirosław Chudek - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Donetsk University of Technology (1992) and the Jiaozuo Mining Academy (1993).
Prof. Jan Szargut – doctor honoris causa conferred by the Częstochowa University of Technology (1992) and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków (2008).
Prof. Wilibald Winkler - doctor honoris causa conferred by the State Technical University in Mariupol (1995).
Prof. Valery Szuścik - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Moscow State Mining University (1995).
Prof. Jozef Wojnarowski - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Donetsk National Technical University (1995) and the Technical University of Łódź (2007).
Prof. Bogdan Skalmierski - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Częstochowa University of Technology (1997).
Prof. Józef Szarawara - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Szczecin University of Technology (1998).
Prof. Bernard Drzęźla - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Technical University in Petrosani (1999) and Ural State Academy of Mining and Geology in Yekaterinburg (2001).
Prof. Leszek A. Dobrzański - doctor honoris causa conferred by the University of Ruse (1999) and Khmelnitskyi National University (2007).
Prof. Zbigniew Jedliński - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Gdańsk University of Technology (2001) and Gh. Asachi Technical University in Iaşi.
Prof. Eugeniusz Świtoński - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Rzeszów University of Technology (2007), the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków (2012), the Lublin University of Technology (2013) and the Military University of Technology in Warsaw (2017).
Prof. Wojciech Zieliński - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Lviv Polytechnic National University (2008).
Prof. Andrzej Karbownik - doctor honoris causa conferred by the University of Oviedo (2010).
Prof. Krystian Probierz - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Technical University in Ostrava (2010).
Prof. Tadeusz Chmielniak - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Częstochowa University of Technology (2011).
Prof. Andrzej Ajdukiewicz - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Łódź University of Technology (2011).
Prof. Józef Sułkowski - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Donetsk National Technical University (2011).
Prof. Jerzy Klamka - doctor honoris causa conferred by Białystok University of Technology (2014).
Prof. Krzysztof Kluszczyński - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Kielce University of Technology (2015).
Prof. Aleksander Sładkowski - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Vladimir Dalia Eastern Ukrainian National University (2015).
Józef Parchanski PhD, Eng. - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Donetsk National Technical University (2016).
Prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Gh. Asachai in Iaşi (2018).
Prof. Aleksander Sładkowski - doctor honoris causa conferred by "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse (2018).
Prof. Eugeniusz Switoński - doctor honoris causa conferred by the Opole University of Technology (2019).