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Admission Office
Welcome to the Silesian University of Technology (SUT), a place that without any doubts educates successful people. Almost 10% of top-managers in Poland graduated from SUT and also its alumni receive the highest salaries in the region and the 4th highest in Poland. Recently we have also ranked as the 4th among higher education schools whose graduates are most sought after by employers.
Join us and choose the unique opportunity to study engineering in an institution of a worldwide academic reputation and a vivid cooperation with major industrial partners.
SUT is also a key player in new technologies and innovations. It is here where new ideas and solutions are being brought into life and once applied in industry they boost competitiveness
of Polish and international firms.
We are home to a vibrant community of almost 1,800 of the best and brightest minds. We attract academics whose passion and brilliance drives them to become leaders in their field. The excellent teaching staff is one of the strongest assets of the university. The inauguration ceremony of the first academic year with 3,000 students and 200 teachers, was held 70 years ago. Today, there are over 15,000 students, 1630 academics and almost 85 fields of studies encompassing the whole range of engineering disciplines.
Our international team, as well as all academic community, are always ready to help you and provide you with necessary details.
Enjoy your stay at SUT and Gliwice!
Contact details:
Admission Office
Akademicka 2A Street
44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Room No. 282
Contact hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-13:30.
Poland and Gliwice
Poland is one of the largest countries in Europe, a modern and dynamic member of the European Union where education really counts. It is situated in the middle of the European continent at the crossroads between West and East. Poland is an ideal place not only for studying, but also for travelling. A journey across Poland is a great opportunity to experience breath-taking landscapes of mountains, sea, lakes and woods as well as to taste Polish cuisine and hospitality.
Compared to other EU countries the costs of living are a fraction of what a foreign student would have to spend in most other European cities.
The main seat of the Silesian University of Technology is located in Gliwice, a charming 800 years old city and important scientific, research and design center in Poland. Gliwice has nearly 200,000 inhabitants and thanks to SUT it is the second (apart from Warsaw), agglomeration of technical intelligence. During the last 20 years Gliwice has transformed from a city based on the heavy industry into a leader in new technologies. On the other hand, Gliwice is also well known for its cultural life. Many festivals, concerts, exhibition and other art activities take place in the town. Numerous famous Polish artists and other interesting people (e.g. Nivea cream inventor) originally come from Gliwice. Results of surveys show that Gliwice is one of the most attractive cities to live in Poland. Definitely it is a unique place, where tradition, multicultural heritage, science and modernity intermingle, creating its one-of-the-kind atmosphere of the attractive place to study and live.
- Villa Caro (part of Gliwice Museum)– Dolnych Wałów 8a
- The Piast Castle (part of Gliwice Museum) – Pod Murami 2,
- Gliwice Radio Station – Tarnogórska 129
- Municipal Greenhouse – Fredry 6 (on the area of Chopin Park)
- Defence Walls - Rzeźniczy Square, Grodowa, Basztowa
- Town Hall - Market Square
- Ruin of Municipal Theatre – Aleja Przyjaźni 18
- Bajka and Amok Cinemas – Dolnych Wałów
Facts and Figures
- Status of research university obtained in the first competition Excellence Initiative - Research University (2019).
- 5th place among universities whose graduates hold positions as CEOs of large companies. ("Rzeczpospolita" ranking 2020)
- 6th place among all Technical Universities and 10th place in the academic prestige ("Perspektywy" ranking 2022)
Silesian University of Technology has been ranked among 16 Polish universities in the international ranking THE IMPACT RANKINGS, which takes into account the university's commitment to the 17 United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
At the INTARG International Trade Fair of Inventions and Innovations (2021), the Silesian University of Technology was awarded a Grand Prix, a platinum award and seven medals for inventions by scientists from the Silesian University of Technology.
Silesian University of Technology has become the winner of the second edition of the European Universities Initiative (2021) competition in the EURECA-PRO consortium formed with 6 universities from Europe.
13 Faculties
1 Institute of Physics
3 Education Centers
3 cities in which the units of the Silesian University of Technology are located.
These are: Gliwice, Zabrze and Katowice.
13 dormitory (eleven in Gliwice, one in Zabrze and one in Katowice)
23 student organizations
203 student scientific circles
1630 academic teachers
More than:
16 577 students
502 foreigner students
782 PhD doctoral students
Status on Stan 31 December 2021
Required documents
During application all candidates need to present the following documents:
For Bachelor programmes
- School leaving certificate (legalized or given an apostille) obtained abroad entitling to study at all types of universities in the country appropriate to the education system issuing the certificate. Document should be legalized or given an apostille and translated into English or Polish language by sworn (certified) translator.
- Candidate should also provide a statement that his school leaving certificate allows him to take up the first cycle studies in the country it was issued – if such a statement is not already written on the certificate.
- A document confirming a level of proficiency in the Polish language allowing to undertake studies in Polish;
- Document confirming the candidate’s identity;
- Photo (format 45x35mm, without any jewellery, bareheaded and without any dark glasses, with equal lighting on the face).
For Master programmes
- Bachelor's degree diploma (together with a supplement, if applicable) or another document of completion of studies abroad, which allow to start the second cycle studies in the country it was issued. Diploma should be legalized or given an apostille and translated into Polish language by sworn (certified) translator.
- Candidate should also provide a statement that his diploma allows him to take up the second cycle studies in the country it was issued – if such a statement is not already written on the diploma.
- Document confirming competence in English language (for studies in English) or document confirming competence in Polish language (for studies in Polish);
- Document confirming the candidate’s identity;
- Photo (format 45x35mm, in the left semi profile with a visible left ear, without any jewellery, bareheaded and without any dark glasses, with equal lighting on the face).
After arrival to Poland
The student needs to submit all legalized documents at the admission office and also a valid visa and health insurance.
Polish language requirements
The foreign Candidates who want to start to study in Polish language at The Silesian University of Technology should;
- complete a one year preparation course of Polish language in assigned units by the Ministry of Higher Education or;
- have the Polish language certificate, issued by the State Commission for The Certification of Proficiency in Polish language as a Foreign Language or;
- obtain the confirmation of The Silesian University of Technology, that their preparation and level of Polish language allow them to undertake studies in Polish. Such confirmation takes place in the Basic Organizational Unit to which the foreigner applies.
Tuition fee
Non-nationals are admitted to studies at Silesian University of Technology on a fee-paying basis.
Silesian University of Technology does not collect the tuition fees for education at *full-time studies held in Polish language* from non-nationals mentioned in article 324 section 2 of the Law on higher education and science (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 85), i.e. from:
- a non-national who is either a citizen of EU or EFTA, or a member of their family who lives in Poland;
- a non-national who has a permanent residence permit or who is a holder of a European Community long-term residence permit issued in Poland;
- a non-national who is a holder of a temporary residence permit (fixed-term residence permit) issued in connection with the circumstances referred to in Art. 159 section 1 or Art. 186 section 1 subsection 3 or 4 of the Act of 12 December 2013 on non-nationals (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2206 and 2282, and of 2018 r. item 107, 138 and 771), i.e. temporary residence permit (fixed-term residence permit) issued:
-for the purposes of family reunification (in Art. 159 section 1);
- due to the fact that he/she is a holder of a European Community long-term residence permit issued in another EU country (Art. 186 section 1 subsection 3);
- due to the fact that he/she is a member of the family of a holder of a European Community long-term residence permit issued in another EU country (Art. 186 section 1 subsection 4);
- a non-national who is a holder of a refugee status in Poland or has been granted temporary or complementary protection in Poland;
- a non-national who is a holder of a certificate confirming his/her command of Polish language at minimum level C-1, referred to in Art. 11a section 2 Act of 7 October 1999 on Polish Language (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 931), i.e. certificate issued by the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language;
- a non-national who is a holder of a valid Polish chart (Karta Polaka) or who is a holder of decision of validation of his/her Polish roots;
- a non-national who is a spouse, ascendant (parent) or descendant (child) of Polish citizen and lives in Poland;
- a non-national who is a holder of a temporary residence permit (fixed-term residence permit) issued in connection with the circumstances referred to in Art. 151 section 1 or Art. 151b section 1 of Act of 12 December 2013 on non-nationals, i.e. temporary residence permit (fixed-term residence permit) issued:
- for the purpose of conducting scientific research (Art. 151 section 1);
- for the purpose of long-term mobility of the researcher (Art. 151b section 1);
- a non-national staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with the use of short-term mobility of the researcher under the conditions specified in Art. 156b section 1 Act of 12 December 2013 on non-nationals or a non-national who is a holder of a national visa for the purpose of conducting scientific research or development works.
Photo requirements
Full description with examples can be found under the following address:
Candidate's photo should meet the same criteria as ID document photo.
They are as follows:
Technical remarks:
- Photos should have good quality (clear, with proper brightness, contrast and colour).
- The background should be white, smooth and not too bright, and the head outline should be visible. A shadow of photographed person should not be visible in the background nor any other distractions.
- Colours should be natural, photos without colour are forbidden (black and white, sepia).
- A photo in JPEG or PNG format is preferred in minimum size of 500 x 625 pixels which enables printing a photo in 2 cm * 2,5 cm size with proper quality. Pictures having larger size are also acceptable if they meet the mentioned proportions. If the uploaded picture has wrong proportions, it will be possible to crop it in the system.
- If the admission rules require you to deliver a physical photo, it should be identical to the one uploaded electronically.
General information:
- the photo should be up to date,
- you cannot have any head covering, sunglasses nor any other covering that can hinder identification,
- the photograph should present the whole head,
- the photograph should show an image reaching not further than the upper part of shoulders,
- the face should cover 70-80% of the photo.
Glasses and contact lenses:
- If you wear glasses - you can take a picture in glasses. Your eyes must be visible, there must be no light reflection from the glasses. To avoid any problems it is better to take a picture without glasses.
- If you wear contact lenses - you can take a picture wearing them if they don't change the natural shape and colour of your eyes.
- If you have any innate or acquired vision defect - you may take a picture wearing glasses. Remember to attach a proper health certificate concerning a disability or a degree of disability.
Head covering:
- If you wear a head covering required by your religion - you may have it on a photograph if your face is visible. In such case, attach a proper certificat stating that you belong to a religious community, Remember that it has to be a community that is registered in Poland.
- The whole oval of the face and ear line must be uncovered.
Face appearance on picture:
- the face has to be directed straight at the camera lens, the head cannot be skewed,
- the picture should present a visible oval of the face, without half-profile,
- you should have a natural face appearance, closed mouth and totally visible eyebrows, haircut on the picture can outreach the outline,
- eyes should be naturally open, visible along with the pupils (cannot be hidden by hair) and aimed directly into the camera lens,
- the so called "red eye effect" is prohibited,
- ears don't have to be visible.
Picture background and lighting:
- white, evenly lighted, without shadows and decorations,
- the picture must only show a photographed person,
- face has to be evenly lighted (light reflections on skin or hair and face shadows are prohibited).
Sharpness, contrast and picture quality:
- the picture has to be sharp (without visible pixels) and has to have a natural contrast,
- head outline has to be clear (background overexposure is prohibited),
- the picture should be taken in neutral coloring and proper tonal density (it can be neither too bright nor too dark),
- if you upload a scan of a paper photograph, it cannot be in any way broken on the surface,
- the picture should show true skin colour.
- If you wear jewellery - you can have it during taking a picture if it doesn't cover the oval of the face and doesn't disrupt the uniformity of picture's background. To avoid any problems it is advised to take a picture without jewellery.
- If the removal of jewellery may damage ears or face - you can take a picture wearing jewellery, even if it covers the oval of the face or disrupts background.
Required documents
During application all Candidates need to present the following documents:
For Bachelor programmes
- School leaving certificate (legalized or given an apostille) obtained abroad entitling to study at all types of universities in the country appropriate to the education system issuing the certificate. Document should be legalized or given an apostille and translated into English or Polish language by certified translator.
- Candidate should also provide a statement that his school leaving certificate allows him to take up the first cycle studies in the country it was issued – if such a statement is not already written on the certificate. This document can be for example issue by the Ministry of Higher Education in your country. Without this document your application can be rejected!
- One of document confirming competence in English language listed HERE (for studies in English) or document confirming competence in Polish language (for studies in Polish);
- Document confirming the candidate’s identity;
- Photo (format 45x35mm, in the left semi profile with a visible left ear, without any jewellery, bareheaded and without any dark glasses, with equal lighting on the face).
For Master programmes
- Bachelor's degree diploma (together with a supplement, if applicable) or another document of completion of studies abroad, which allow to start the second cycle studies in the country it was issued. Document should be legalized or given an apostille and translated into English or Polish language by certified translator.
- Candidate should also provide a statement that his diploma allows him to take up the second cycle studies in the country it was issued – if such a statement is not already written on the diploma.This document can be for example issue by the Ministry of Higher Education in your country. Without this document your application can be rejected!
- Document confirming competence in English language (for studies in English) or document confirming competence in Polish language (for studies in Polish);
- Document confirming the candidate’s identity;
- Photo (format 45x35mm, without any jewellery, bareheaded and without any dark glasses, with equal lighting on the face).
English language requirements
The Candidate must submit one of the documents listed below:
- International Baccalaureate Diploma,
- European Baccalaureate Diploma,
- A secondary school certificate or diploma of higher education, if the language of instruction was English,
- Certificates confirming knowledge of foreign languages at least at B2 common reference level of language proficiency according to “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR)”. Full list of acceptable certificates with punctation is available below.
Native speakers do not have to confirm the knowledge of the English language.
List of accepted language certificates:
- Diplomas of completion of:
a) studies in philology in the field of foreign languages and applied linguistics;
b) a foreign language teacher training college;
c) the National School of Public Administration (KSAP). - A document issued abroad and confirming the holding of an academic degree or an academic title – certifies the knowledge of the language of the institution performing education.
- A document confirming the completion of university-level or post-graduate studies conducted abroad or in the Republic of Poland – certifies the knowledge of the language,provided that the only language of instruction was a foreign language.
- A document issued abroad and considered equivalent to the Polish school-leaving certificate – certifies the knowledge of the language of instruction.
- International Baccalaureate Diploma.
- European Baccalaureate Diploma.
- Certificate of passing a ministerial exam [egzamin resortowy]:
a) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
b) in the ministry directed by the minister competent for economical issues, the Ministry of Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries, Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Maritime Economy.
c) in the Ministry of National Defence – level 3333, level 4444 according to STANAG 6001. - A certificate confirming the knowledge of a foreign language, issued by KSAP as a result of a linguistic verification procedure.
- A certificate confirming job qualification for high-ranked government position, issued by KSAP.
- A document confirming the entry into the Record of Sworn Translators.
- Certificates confirming knowledge of foreign languages at least at B2 common reference level of language proficiency according to “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR)”:
11.1) certificates issued by institutions belonging to the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) – ALTE Level 3 (B2), ALTE Level 4 (C1), ALTE Level 5 (C2); especially: First Certificate in English (FCE), Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), Business English Certificate (BEC) Vantage – at least Pass, Business English Certificate (BEC) Higher, Certificate in English for International Business and Trade (CEIBT).
11.2) Certificates of the following institutions:
a) Educational Testing Service (ETS)- especially:
- Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) – at least 87 points in the Internet-Based Test version (iBT);
- Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) – at least 180 points in the Computer-Based Test version (CBT) completed with at least 50 points from Test of Spoken English (TSE);
- Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) – at least 510 points in the Paper-Based Test version (PBT) completed with at least 3,5 points from Test of Written English (TWE)and at least 50 points from Test of Spoken English (TSE);
- Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) – at least 700 points;
b) European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages (ECL),
c) LanguageCert International ESOL Qualifications (or the City & Guilds, City & Guilds Pitman Qualifications, Pitman Qualifications Institute) —especially certificates:
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) – First Class Pass at Intermediate Level, Higher Intermediate Level, Advanced Level;
- International English for Speakers of Other Languages (IESOL) – “Communicator” level, “Expert”level, “Mastery level”;
- LanguageCert Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International ( Listening, Reading, Writing) (Communicator B2) 603/1961/6 (City & Guilds Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (reading, writing and listening) Communicator (B2) 500/1765/2);
- LanguageCert Level 2 Certifcate in ESOL International ( Listening, Reading, Writing) (Expert C1) 603/1963/X (or City & Guilds Level 2 Certificate in ESOL International (reading, writing and listening) Expert (C1) 500/1766/4);
- LanguageCert Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International ( Listening, Reading, Writing) ( Mastery C2 ) 603/1965/3 (or City & Guilds Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International (reading, writing and listening) Mastery (C2) 500/1767/6);
- Spoken English Test (SET) for Business — Stage B “Communicator” level, Stage C “Expert” level, Stage C “Mastery” level;
- English for Business Communications (EBC)— Level 2, Level 3;
- English for Office Skills (EOS)— Level 2;
d) Edexcel, Pearson Language Tests, Pearson Language Assessments — especially:
- London Tests of English, Level 3 (Edexcel Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International);
- London Tests of English, Level 4 (Edexcel Level 2 Certificate in ESOL International);
- London Tests of English, Level 5 (Edexcel Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International);
e) Education Development International (EDI), London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board – especially the following certificates:
- London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations (LCCI) – English for Business Level 2, English for Business Level 3, English for Business Level 4;
- London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations (LCCI) — Foundation Certificate for Teachers of Business English (FTBE);
- London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations (LCCI) – English for Tourism Level 2 – “Pass with Credit” level, “Pass with Distinction” level.
f) University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, British Council, IDP IELTS Australia – especially International English Language Testing System IELTS—over 6 points.
After arrival to Poland
The student needs to submit all legalized documents at the admission office and also a valid visa and health insurance.
English language requirements
The Candidate must submit one of the documents listed below:
- International Baccalaureate Diploma,
- European Baccalaureate Diploma,
- A secondary school certificate or diploma of higher education, if the language of instruction was English,
- Certificates confirming knowledge of foreign languages at least at B2 common reference level of language proficiency according to “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR)”. Full list of acceptable certificates with punctation is available HERE.
Native speakers do not have to confirm the knowledge of the English language.
Photo requirements
Full description with examples can be found under the following address:
Candidate's photo should meet the same criteria as ID document photo.
They are as follows:
Technical remarks:
- Photos should have good quality (clear, with proper brightness, contrast and colour).
- The background should be white, smooth and not too bright, and the head outline should be visible. A shadow of photographed person should not be visible in the background nor any other distractions.
- Colours should be natural, photos without colour are forbidden (black and white, sepia).
- A photo in JPEG or PNG format is preferred in minimum size of 500 x 625 pixels which enables printing a photo in 2 cm * 2,5 cm size with proper quality. Pictures having larger size are also acceptable if they meet the mentioned proportions. If the uploaded picture has wrong proportions, it will be possible to crop it in the system.
- If the admission rules require you to deliver a physical photo, it should be identical to the one uploaded electronically.
General information:
- the photo should be up to date,
- you cannot have any head covering, sunglasses nor any other covering that can hinder identification,
- the photograph should present the whole head,
- the photograph should show an image reaching not further than the upper part of shoulders,
- the face should cover 70-80% of the photo.
Glasses and contact lenses:
- If you wear glasses - you can take a picture in glasses. Your eyes must be visible, there must be no light reflection from the glasses. To avoid any problems it is better to take a picture without glasses.
- If you wear contact lenses - you can take a picture wearing them if they don't change the natural shape and colour of your eyes.
- If you have any innate or acquired vision defect - you may take a picture wearing glasses. Remember to attach a proper health certificate concerning a disability or a degree of disability.
Head covering:
- If you wear a head covering required by your religion - you may have it on a photograph if your face is visible. In such case, attach a proper certificat stating that you belong to a religious community, Remember that it has to be a community that is registered in Poland.
- The whole oval of the face and ear line must be uncovered.
Face appearance on picture:
- the face has to be directed straight at the camera lens, the head cannot be skewed,
- the picture should present a visible oval of the face, without half-profile,
- you should have a natural face appearance, closed mouth and totally visible eyebrows, haircut on the picture can outreach the outline,
- eyes should be naturally open, visible along with the pupils (cannot be hidden by hair) and aimed directly into the camera lens,
- the so called "red eye effect" is prohibited,
- ears don't have to be visible.
Picture background and lighting:
- white, evenly lighted, without shadows and decorations,
- the picture must only show a photographed person,
- face has to be evenly lighted (light reflections on skin or hair and face shadows are prohibited).
Sharpness, contrast and picture quality:
- the picture has to be sharp (without visible pixels) and has to have a natural contrast,
- head outline has to be clear (background overexposure is prohibited),
- the picture should be taken in neutral coloring and proper tonal density (it can be neither too bright nor too dark),
- if you upload a scan of a paper photograph, it cannot be in any way broken on the surface,
- the picture should show true skin colour.
- If you wear jewellery - you can have it during taking a picture if it doesn't cover the oval of the face and doesn't disrupt the uniformity of picture's background. To avoid any problems it is advised to take a picture without jewellery.
- If the removal of jewellery may damage ears or face - you can take a picture wearing jewellery, even if it covers the oval of the face or disrupts background.
How easy to apply
- Please visit our website: Online Application system - Silesian University of Technology (
- create your account
- fill all your personal data (Basic personal data, International candidate, Address and contact information)
- add your photo
- fill the section Education and add all requested documents (remember about the point at the bottom of this page Certificates and other documents). If you do not have some documents right now – please add some empty pdf file to this section – you will upload document when you receive it
- fill the section Additional personal information
- remember to click „Save”
- Now you need to choose „Offer” and select a field of study you are interested in and click „Sign up”.
- In the next step you need to indicate a document entitling to undertake studies and source of education financing.
- After choosing „Continue” your application will be sent.
- Sending the application resulted in an application fee. Data for the transfer are available in the tab „Payments”.
- After paying the application fee, the Admission Office will verify your documents and inform you about application progress.
(exclusively online via USOSweb)
Deadline to apply online in October: September 25th – October 5th 2023
Deadline to apply in other months: from the 25th day of the previous month to the 5th day of the given month (for which the grant is transferred)
A student applies via USOSweb with a PDF scan of disability adjudication enclosed.
(exclusively online via USOSweb)
It is a scholarship for a student who has outstanding GPA (4.0 minimum), extraordinary achievements in science or arts, or sports achievements in at least national competitions.
Deadline to apply:
- for winter semester: October 10th – October 20th 2023
- for summer semester: March 1st – March 10th 2024
A student applies via USOSweb with PDF certification of scientific, arts or sports achievements enclosed.
All necessary documentation (PDF certification of scientific, arts or sports achievements) may be prepared before October 10th as it eases the process to apply on time.
(exclusively online via USOSweb)
Financial aid is interim help for a student who has temporarily found himself or herself in a difficult life situation such as:
- an unfortunate accident
- illness of a student, his or her parents, a child or a spouse, if there is a need for purchase of expensive medicine,
- loss of parents, guardians, a child or a spouse,
- fire, flood or a natural disaster resulting in a flat, a house or a homestead damage,
- damage caused by a fortuitous event (e.g. theft),
- loss of a stable source of revenue by a student or his or her family member (a stable source of revenue is a salary in virtue of a labour contract, annuities, child support, periodic order contract – obtained for at least 12 consecutive months before its loss).
Deadline to apply in October: October 1st – 5th 2023
Deadline to apply in other months: from the 1st to the 5th day of each month.
Application should be filed forthwith, whereas no later than 3 months after the date of the event which enables the grant of financial aid. There should be documents attached (PDF scans) that confirm such an event.
(exclusively online via USOSweb)
The social scholarship may be granted to the foreigner who:
1) has been issued a permanent residence permit or long-term resident of the European Union,
2) has been issued a temporary residence permit in connection with the circumstances referred to in
article 159 paragraph 1 or article 186 paragraph 1 point 3 or 4 of the Act on Foreigners dated on 12 December 2013 (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 35),
3) has the refugee status issued in the Republic of Poland or is under temporary protection or
subsidiary protection on the territory of the Republic of Poland,
4) is a holder of a certificate confirming knowledge of Polish as a foreign language, referred to in article 11a paragraph 2 of the Act on the Polish language dated on 7 October 1999 (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1480), at least at the C1 language proficiency level,
5) is a holder of a Polish Card or has been issued a decision confirming Polish origin,
6) is a spouse, ascendant or descendant of a citizen of the Republic of Poland, living in the territory of the Republic of Poland,
7) has been issued a temporary residence permit in connection with the circumstances referred to in article 151 paragraph 1 or article 151b paragraph 1 of the Act on Foreigners dated on 12 December 2013, or staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with the use of short-term mobility of a researcher under the conditions specified in article 156b paragraph 1 of this Act or is a holder of a national visa for the purpose of research or developmental work.
Deadline to apply in October: September 25th – October 5th 2023
Deadline to apply in other months: from the 1st to the 5th day of the given month (for which the grant is transferred).
In the first instance, a student submits an income declaration via USOSweb, to apply for a social scholarship thereafter.
There should be current PDF certification attached (no older than 3 months) confirming student's material status. Necessary certification is specified by the Statute of Benefit for the Silesian University of Technology's students, especially:
- certification from the revenue,
- certification concerning the amount of dues paid for health insurance (ZUS),
- certification concerning information about the size of homestead,
- documents confirming loss/obtainment of income,
- birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate,
- court judgment or other documents confirming right to child support,
- decision to grant family annuities,
- certification from the emergency centre.
All necessary documentation (PDF scans) may be prepared before September 25th as it eases the process to apply on time.
Please read more:
Scholarship for the best international students of the Silesian University of Technology commencing their full-time studies of the first or second cycle in a full course of study.
The Silesian University of Technology offers a scholarship for its best first semester international students of the first or second cycle in a full course of study within the Excellence Initiative- Research University programme.
This scholarship is available to students at the first or second cycle of studies, i.e. to bachelors or masters.We encourage our outstanding freshmen to apply!
III.NAWA scholarship
Admission Office automatically reserves a place in the dormitory for each student. If you don't need a place please contact with us.
Silesian University of Technology has its own dormitories which are managed by the university’s administration. The dorms may differ from one another in standard.
Double and triple rooms are the most common offer.
The dorms are located within the University Campus, 10 minutes by walk from the faculties. We have also dormitory in Zabrze and Katowice.
Students are accommodated to particular dormitory according to number of free places, available in each dormitory.
The Admission Office does not help students to find room/ flat in the city centre.
After arrival you need to pay dormitory deposit (200euro) which will be refund after check out.
Name of dormitory type of room payment for 1month payment for 1night/person
Alaska : double 510 PLN 34 PLN
Babilon : double 510 PLN 34 PLN
Karlik : place in the triple segment
470 PLN 31 PLN
Strzecha : double 640PLN 43 PLN
Elektron: double 640 PLN 43 PLN
Ondraszek : double 440 PLN 30 PLN
Piast: double 440 PLN 30 PLN
Barbara: double 640 PLN 43 PLN
Karolinka: double 640 PLN 43 PLN
Sezam : double 740 PLN 50 PLN
IMPORTANT - main university campus is located in Gliwice however:
Faculty of Transport in Katowice, dormitory the "Babilon" in Katowice,
Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy in Katowice, dormitory the "Babilon" in Katowice,
Faculty of Organisation and Management in Zabrze, dormitory the "Alaska" in Zabrze.
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering in Zabrze, dormitory the "Alaska" in Zabrze.
Rooms have such basic equipment as: beds, a desktop, a wardobe, bedclothes and sheets, a chair, a desktop lamp, heater (in the winter season). Kitchen is not equipped with cutlery, pots, pans or crockery. Fridges are partly available in the dormitories - not every room/ dormitory has it.
Kitchen and bathrooms sometimes common for the whole floor. Each student house has facilities such as TV room, gym, ping-pong room and each room has Internet access.
Access to the Internet
In order to gain access to the Internet follow the instructions:
have a computer with properly installed network card (wired),
buy the network cable which connects computer to a socket,
print and fill in application form using CAPITAL LETTERS; to fill in application form you will need the MAC address your network card,
application form deliver to network administrator (Polish student who lives in the same dormitory as you; his/her room number is well-known to the dormitory's staff) in person,
connection to the network is free of charge.
For check-in is needed:
- 1 passport size photo,
- valid passport or ID card.
The procedure takes place at the Dormitory Office – located at the ground floor, just after your arrival. Head of your dormitory is the right person for check-in. The passport size photo is needed to prepare Inhabitant Card (Karta Mieszkańca). After the check-in you will get an Inhabitant (Resident) Card which allows to enter the dormitory. Keep it in your wallet and show the reception upon every entrance. The passport or ID card is taken for a while to make notes of information given there. On the basis of collected information your temporary stay in Gliwice is registered by Head of the dormitory in the local Municipal Office.
DORMITORY RULES - main points
- all students can use the laundry, kitchen and the TV room (keys available at the reception),
- bedclothes are changed every 3 weeks,
- students get bedclothes and other equipment, for which they are financially responsible until they return them to head of dormitory when checked-out,
- students can change room only with permission from head of dormitory,
- while entering the dormitory show Inhabitant Card (provided during the check-in),
- leave the key room at the reception when going out of the dormitory,
- the “Quiet hours” from 11:00 PM till 6:00 AM are in force; give a time for rest your neighbors,
- in case serious damages or reprehensible behavior student might be expelled from the dormitory,
- dispose of rubbish regularly and only at designed places - nobody will do it on behalf of you,
- keep room, kitchen, bathroom and other general purpose clean the way you would like to find,
- in order to use more effectively places in the dormitory students are obligated to change their rooms if head of dormitory decides so,
- monthly payment for room in the dormitory must be done till the 10th day of each month in the bank or post office,
- while check-out return the equipment, accomplish all formalities and leave the room cleaned up,
- in case missing equipment or damage room done, student will be charged with the costs of repair by reducing dormitory deposit.
Before you leave the room:
- make sure that you made all payments for the room (monthly/ daily payment; any doubts about payment/ amount to be paid contact head of your dormitory),
- leave room clean, the way you would like to find it yourself upon arrival; the room standard/ conditions as well as equipment depends on users,
- don't forget to take all your belongings,
- give back keys room to the reception,
SUT Videos
SUT Presentation:
SUT - a perfect place to study:
SUT - You Choose:
Information about our recruitment process:
Information about our recruitment process:
Information about our recruitment process:
- How can I book a place in the Student's House?
As soon as we get scan of your visa we will book a place in one of our student dormitories that are under SUT's jurisdiction
- How much does it cost?
The price of a room depends on whether the room is double or triple.
Usually it is about 410-670 PLN (90-150 euro) per month.
- When should I pay for the dormitory?
After arrival.
- Can I change dormitory?
We usually reserve rooms depending on available places but situation is very dynamic, it is possible that after arrival we will have a place in different dormitory so it can be possible to change the dorm.
- When can I get my acceptance letter?
When your application is conditionally accepted by the Faculty Coordinator and you will make
a payment for the first semester (the payment is required by the embassy) we will prepare a letter for you and your status in the system will be changed for accepted.
- Can I get a hard copy of my final letter?
We will send hard copy via courier company and the scan of letter will be sent to the candidate via the admission system.
- Should I translate my diploma?
Your documents can be submitted in Polish OR English so it means that if your diploma is in English you don't have to translate it. If your diploma or transcript of records is issued in Russian, Ukrainian or in any other language you should translate it into Polish or English.
- When should I apply for visa?
AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Due to the large number of applicants, terms in many embassies are very distant, sometimes even about 2 months. Please don't wait for original letter, but book the date of your visit in the embassy earlier to make sure that you will finish whole procedure before semester will start. You can do it on website :
- Which documents are required for visa application?
The visa application has to be submitted together with 2 biometric photos, a travel document and any other additional documents individually specified by the consul.
Before filling in the application, you are advised to contact the consular post where you intend to submit the visa application, to find out what additional documents will be required in your particular case. Embassy usually requires confirmation of tuition fee payment. Checklist of required documents you can find here:
It is only the example from embassy in Mumbai but the list of required documents is available on the website of any Polish Embassy.
You will get 2 documents from University - acceptance letter in English and confirmation that you are accepted for studies (in Polish). Both are required by all Embassies.
- Which airport in Poland should I choose?
Choose the nearest one so it is Katowice airport or Kraków airport. If you come to Warsaw please remember that it is about 400 km away from Gliwice.
- Do you have any refund procedure in case of visa refusal?
Yes, In case of visa refusal – the tuition fee will be refunded, reduced by bank charges. In any other case, not falling into above mentioned categories, in particular unlawful use of the Polish visa, fee refund is not possible. If you need a hard copy of your acceptance letter for visa purpose, we can send it by courier company but in case of visa refusal, the cost of this package will be deducted from your tuition fee refund.
- What should I bring with me to Poland?
You should take with you all documents submitted during application process and your passport. Diploma and transcript should be legalized.
Take some warm clothes with you because the temperature in winter may be below -15 Celsius degrees. All other important things you can buy in shops in Poland. We have also many shopping malls here.
- Which documents must be legalized?
Diploma and transcript from high school for Bachelor studies and diploma and transcript from previous University for Master.
- Which procedure should I use Legalisation or Apostille?
You must check whether your country is a side of Hoque Convention and which procedure in your country is valid. For more details, please visit these websites:
HCCH | #12 - Status table
Legalization or Apostille - Legalization of Documents and Apostille | Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassies, Court
- What kind of documents confirming language skills are accepted?
The list of documents can be found in the section "English language requirements".
- I have a conditionally accepted status what does it mean?
Your application has been approved by Faculty Coordinator. You got the invoice for tuition fee and now we are waiting for your payment. As soon as we confirm your payment in our Financial Office, you will get a final letter.
- When should I come to Poland?
You will get an information from our Admission Office about the Orientation Days, it is usually last week of September or for the spring semester, it will be in the middle of February. We recommend arriving one or two days before to get to know the campus and the surrounding area.
- How can I get some information about application status?
You can easily check your application status on your profile. If you have some additional questions you can write an email to Due to our private policy we cannot give you any information during telephone conversation.
- How can I pay application fee?
We only accept payment by bank transfer. The information about account number is available on your profile in section called "Payments". Name of account owner is Politechnika Śląska but you can also use an English name - Silesian University of Technology. Please notice that the application fee is not refundable.
- Embassy requires health insurance during visa procedure how can I buy it?
One of required document during visa procedure is health insurance but it doesn't have to be Polish insurance. You should find insurance company in your country and buy an insurance which will be valid in Poland for at least one year.
- What does it mean that the course will be open on condition of collecting a group of 10 students?
It means that there is a high risk that this course will not be open. Usually the final decision is made at the end of current intake so even if the decision is positive, there will be not enough time to get visa. The best option is to choose additional course which is without any limits. If you are accepted, you can easily apply for visa. When you arrive in Poland and the first choice course will be opened, you will be registered to this course . If not, you can still study at your second choice course.
- What is the minimum number of GPA points to get to University?
We don't have such a limit. Each candidate is treated individually. On our website on each course there is information about which subjects will be taken into account during recruitment. The final decision belongs to the Faculty Coordinator and is final. If in your country the presented document is positive and entitles you to take up studies then in Poland too. BESIDE THAT PLEASE REMEMBER THAT IF IN YOUR COUNTRY SOME MINIMUM GRADE/POINTS IS REQUIRED TO GET ACCESS TO HIGHER STUDY, IT WILL BE THE SAME IN POLAND.
- Which documents I should submit?
You need to submit all documents mentioned in section required documents:
During application all Candidates need to present the following documents:
For Bachelor programmes
- School leaving certificate (legalized or given an apostille) obtained abroad entitling to study at all types of universities in the country appropriate to the education system issuing the certificate. Document should be legalized or given an apostille and translated into English or Polish language by certified translator.
- Candidate should also provide a statement that his school leaving certificate allows him to take up the first cycle studies in the country it was issued – if such a statement is not already written on the certificate. This document can be for example issue by the Ministry of Higher Education in your country.
- One of document confirming competence in English language (for studies in English) or document confirming competence in Polish language (for studies in Polish);
- Document confirming the candidate’s identity;
- Photo (without any jewellery, bareheaded and without any dark glasses, with equal lighting on the face).
For Master programmes
- Bachelor's degree diploma (together with a supplement, if applicable) or another document
of completion of studies abroad, which allow to start the second cycle studies in the country
it was issued. Document should be legalized or given an apostille and translated into English or Polish language by certified translator. - Candidate should also provide a statement that his diploma allows him to take up the second cycle studies in the country it was issued – if such a statement is not already written on the diploma. This document can be for example issue by the Ministry of Higher Education in your country.
- Document confirming competence in English language (for studies in English) or document confirming competence in Polish language (for studies in Polish);
- Document confirming the candidate’s identity;
- Photo (without any jewellery, bareheaded and without any dark glasses, with equal lighting on the face).
Moreover you need to know that if some additional document is required in your country to start studies it will be also required in Poland (for example national exam after high school).
- My embassy requires proof of accommodation what should I do?
In the final acceptance letter there is information about your accommodation included and confirmation that place for you is already secured but the address will be set up later.
If you need to mention in online visa application specific address you can write down the main University address. It is Akademicka street no 2a, 44-100 Gliwice.
You don't need any additional documents.
- How can I get the confirmation that my high school certificate/diploma allows me to study in my country and abroad?
According to our national law, if the document gives you the right to take up first cycle/second cycle studies in your country, it gives you the same right here in Poland. Sometimes this information is already written on your documents, if not, you need to go to your Ministry of Education (or similar institution) and ask for confirmation that your document gives you the right to study.
This document is called Eligibility Statement
Eligibility Statement is formal proof (a document) that your currently provided education documentation, allows you to continue higher education in the educational system in which it was issued.
B.Sc. Level
It is a document with confirmation that your high school leaving certificate officially entitles you to enter tertiary (university) education in the country where you graduated from high school. It should contain a statement like:
The certificate no. entitles its holder, Mr./Ms. to continue education at tertiary (university) level in .” |
NOTE | The Eligibility Statement should refer to the country/educational system of the country in which the document was issued - not Poland. Try avoiding sentences that state that you can "continue studies in any country of the world", etc. |
If your main document does not have any reference number, then please provide other details which will directly refer to the details in the main document.
It can be issued by:
- your high school
- ministry of education of the country of the university
- sometimes also by the Polish Embassy in the country of the university or the Embassy of the country of the university in Poland
M.Sc. Level
It is a document with confirmation that the B.Sc. degree that you have officially entitles you to enter Master studies in the country where you graduated from Bachelor studies. It should contain a statement like:
The B.Sc. diploma no. [number of your certificate] entitles its holder, Mr/Ms [your name] to continue studies on Masters level in [name of the country where you graduated from Bachelor studies]. |
NOTE: | The Eligibility Statement should refer to the country/educational system of the country in which the document was issued - not Poland. Try avoiding sentences that state that you can "continue studies in any country of the world", etc. |
If your main document does not have any reference number, then please provide other details which will directly refer to the details in the main document.
It can be issued by:
- your university
- ministry of education of the country of the university
- sometimes also by the Polish Embassy in the country of the university or the Embassy of the country of the university in Poland
On the other hand if in your country is required some kind of additional national exam without which you can't start studies in your country, then we will also require it.
- Can I apply for any scholarship?
All the information about available scholarships you may find on our website
- SUT's Scholarships:
for more details you can contact with the Scholarships Section
Phone: +48 32 237 14 63
Phone: +48 32 237 11 56
- and also about the Pro-quality scholarship for the international students
for more details you can contact with the International Relations Office
Phone: +48 32 237 19 44
- How long does the admission process last?
It is not simple to answer such a question. It depends on many factors. If you pay application fee and we will receive it then your application will be checked in Admission Office (about 3-4 days).
If everything is correct the application will be sent to the Faculty Coordinator (it takes about 7 days to check it on the Faculty). Next step is preparing conditionally acceptance letter (about 2day) and we are waiting for your tuition fee payment (usually it takes about 2 weeks). When we receive your payment we will prepare a final acceptance letter (4-5 days).
- Do I choose specialization during admission process?
No, specialization is chosen at the field of study you are accepted to, during your study period.
Admission Office helps prospective foreign Candidates become students of the Silesian University of Technology.
Admission Office guides foreign Candidates with recruitment efforts, admission processing and transitioning accepted students into the Silesian University of Technology community.
Areas of Responsibility: · Recruitment process · Checking documents · Issuing Acceptance Documents · Visa Consultations · Preparing Orientation Days · Confirming Documents · Arranging pick-up service from airports · Arranging accommodation in Student Houses · Preparation of analysis and statistics for internal and external University reports · Coordination of the tuition reimbursement process · Constant contact with candidates for studies at every stage of recruitment
Silesian University of Technology Studies Service Centre Admission Office 2A Akademicka St. 44-100 Gliwice |
Phone: +48322371690
Admission Office Staff
Sabina Gorczyca-Kamaj
MA, Head of Admission Office
Katarzyna Dydo
MA, Administrative Specialist
Karolina Kańska
MA, Professional Office Worker
To speak to an admissions representative, please contact us via email at
or by phone +48322371690