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Author: Andrzej Trzaska Published at: 11.03.2021 Last update: 11.03.2021

Projects of student research clubs financed by the IDUB program

Seven projects submitted by six student research clubs from the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering received funding as a result of the 3rd competition conducted as part of the Initiative of Excellence - Research University program.

Translation by Google Translator

Seven projects submitted by six student research clubs from the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering received funding as a result of the 3rd competition conducted as part of the Initiative of Excellence - Research University program.


Autonomous mobile robot as a demonstrator of the use of the smart city concept and future mobility
- Student Research Group "C.A.D."

Construction of a coordination and research sailplane simulator
- Gliding Science Club

Electric scooter and electric skateboard as elements of eco and electromobility in modern individual urban transport
- Student Scientific Association "SR"

Truss frame for Formula Student electric car
- Silesia Automotive Student Research Group

Research on the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic on the quality of transport services in passenger transport
- Logistcad Student Research Group

Measurements and assessment of aviation noise in selected areas adjacent to the airport
- Student Research Group "Zębatka"

Waste small-scale electrical and electronic equipment - analysis and evaluation of collection methods in the context of the circular economy
- Logistcad Student Scientific Circle.

The results of the competition are given in the university news https://www.polsl.pl/Lists/AktualnosciUczelniane/PokazWiadomosc.aspx?WebPartTitle=ListaWiadomosci&Page=1&WebPartTitle2=Wiadomosc&Filter1Field2=Identyfikator&Filter1Value2=4013



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Transport Systems. Theory and Practice


Transport Problems 2021

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