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– a conference on Life Cycle Assessment, Today’s Automotive and aLIFEca project

Final Conference Invitation.pdf

aLIFEca FINAL CONFERENCE – a conference on Life Cycle Assessment, Today’s Automotive and aLIFEca project

On 17 October 2023, a conference will be held in Prague to conclude the project "aLIFEca - Virtual Open Course of Automotive Life Cycle Assessment" on the environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) in the automotive industry. The results of the project, including the results of research activities related to the theme of the project, will be presented at this event. The objective of the project was to develop a specialized automotive LCA course in the form of a large-scale open online course (MOOC). The main result of the project - the aLIFEca MOOC course - is available on the platform https://learn.skills-framework.eu/ and promoted by the Automotive Skills Alliance (https://automotive-skills-alliance.eu). More information about the conference and the aLIFEca project can be found on the project's website https://project-alifeca.eu/, which also links to Facebook and LinkedIn.



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Fundusze Europejskie
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