A A+ A++

Climate and environmental protection, modern energy

6. Priority Research Area


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POB6 news. The EU promotes cogeneration in order to improve energy efficiency in Europe.

Krzysztof Tomiczek
2024-08-26 09:11:06
2024-08-26 09:13:44

POB6 news. Quarterly EU reports confirm the return to more stable gas and electricity market conditions (31.07.2024).

Krzysztof Tomiczek
2024-08-08 14:26:39
2024-08-08 14:29:33

POB6. Seminar POB6.3. on recycling of waste electronic equipment was held.

Krzysztof Tomiczek
2024-06-21 05:52:34
2024-06-21 05:55:10

POB6. A series of events related to POB6 activities at the International EuroScience Open Forum 2024.

Krzysztof Tomiczek
2024-06-21 04:29:00
2024-06-21 05:28:04

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Research area news

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1st International Conference "Priority Research Areas of the Silesian University of Technology - problems and challenges"

Research sub-areas

POB6.1 Climate and environmental changes and reduction of air pollution

POB6.2 Water and wastewater management and environmental biotechnology

POB6.3 Circular economy

POB6.4 Renewable and alternative energy sources and prosumer energy

POB6.5 Innovative technologies and sustainable development

POB6.6 Education for sustainable development and shaping environmental awareness

POB6.7 Problems of degradation and revitalization of areas

POB6.8 Energy efficiency and energy management

POB6.9 Energy storage and hydrogen energy

POB6.10 Shaping the internal environment and intelligent buildings

POB6.11 Strategy for sustainable development of energy and gas energy

POB6.12 Nuclear energy

Researchers’ Achievements

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POB6 news. PRECOP 28 Conference preceding and preparing for the UN CCC Climate Summit - COP 28, 5-6.10.2023.

Krzysztof Tomiczek
2023-09-15 08:21:00
2023-09-15 08:25:17

1. April 2022 the implementation of the European project EuReComp started at the Silesian University of Technology. The project manager is Prof. Sebastian Werle, coordinator of the 6th Priority Research Area.

Krzysztof Tomiczek
2022-05-31 14:43:09
2022-05-31 14:47:38

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POB6. Cooperation of the Silesian University of Technology with PGNiG Group and Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal in the field of energy in the Strategic Programme of Scientific Research and Development Works of NCBiR.

Krzysztof Tomiczek
2022-04-13 08:41:09
2022-04-13 08:45:28

The Department of Thermal Technology (SUoT) co-realizes the Phy2Climate project

Krzysztof Tomiczek
2021-04-29 09:55:44
2021-05-20 08:13:14

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Drones in climate protection

14C laboratory and mass spectrometry

Student and doctoral research groups

Space architecture

Laboratory of Electron Spectroscopy and Functional Materials


1st Reporting Conference of Research Universities

Center for Climate and Environment Protection

Cooperation between the Silesian University of Technology and the State Water Management

1st competition for financing the projects of Student Research Clubs

Eureca-Pro logo

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