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Cooperation with other countries

Our University Unit has a typically didactic character, therefore the cooperation with foreign countries is mainly based on exchange of experiences in the field of education, especially the new trends in the foreign language teaching methodology. Since the accession to the European Union, the learning of foreign languages in Poland has gone far beyond the framework of traditional textbooks. The sense of belonging to the multinational community has enriched the foreign language learning process with multicultural and interdisciplinary aspects. This is no more a process of knowledge transfer, describing the structural or lexical basis of a language – it also focuses on proper functioning and communication in different cultures as well as in specific occupational groups. This is the reason why modern language teaching methods not only pay attention to the correctness of both spoken and written statements, but also include breaking down cultural stereotypes and introduce specialist language from various fields.

Technological development with its modern teaching aids also has an impact on language teaching methods in order to make learning more attractive and compatible with reality around us. The communication and exchange of ideas and experiences with educational institutions with a similar profile as the Foreign Languages Centre has become crucial.

Every Language Team cooperates with institutions from different countries.

The English Language Team

  • participation and organization of the Language Learning and Networking Course since 2005, which is connected with the collaboration with universities from Denmark, Finland, Spain, Russia and the International Relations Office in the field of international student exchange
  • teachers exchange between the Foreign Languages Centre of the Silesian University of Technology and the HAMK Hammenlinna, Finland
  • participation in the Grundtvig 3 EU Programme (2006-2014)

The German Language Team

  • long-term cooperation with the Language Centre of Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg: creating international projects (e.g. the computer program, examination files) within the framework of regular workshops in Germany and in Poland, patronage of the Otto von Guericke University over the German Language Olympiad for Technical Universities organized by the Foreign Languages Centre
  • cooperation with Bergakademie Technical University in Freiberg (Germany) in the scholarship travel program for students. Patronage of BTU in Freiberg over the German Language Olympiad for Technical Universities organized by the Foreign Languages Centre
  • cooperation with the University in Siegen, Germany (2014-2016) – exchange of students and teachers of both universities and exchange of experiences in the field of teaching
  • cooperation with the Goethe-Institut in Cracow and Warsaw – implementation of projects within the framework of workshops, seminars and classes
  • long-term cooperation (now expired) with Internationales Hochschulinstitut in Zittau in the foreign scholarship travel program for students

The Romance Languages Team

The Russian Language Team

  • cooperation with the Puskhin State Russian Language Institute in Moscow

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