A A+ A++
od 20-05-2021
od 15:00
do 20-05-2021
do 17:00
Autor: Jacek Staszkiewicz Publikacja: 05.05.2021 Aktualizacja: 05.05.2021

Wykład we współpracy z Uniwersytetem Auburn, USA

Szanowni Państwo

w dniu 20 maja o godzinie 15.00 w trybie zdalnym na platformie ZOOM.us, w ramach cyklu wykładów organizowanych we współpracy pomiędzy Wydziałem Budownictwa Politechniki Śląskiej oraz Uniwersytetem Auburn, Alabama, USA, odbędzie się wykład Pana prof. Justina Marshalla. W ramach tego cyklu do tej pory miały miejsce dwa wykłady: Pana prof. Antona Schindlera 23 lutego br. oraz Pani prof. Barbara Klemczak, dr. Agnieszki Jędrzejewskiej oraz dr. Anety Żmij w dniu 15 Kwietnia br. Planowany czas wystąpienia: 45 min. + ok. 15 min. dyskusji.

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Title: Improving Low-rise Building Performance in Earthquakes and Hurricanes

Prof. Justin Marshall, PhD, PE
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Auburn University, Alabama, U.S.A.


This presentation will provide a summary of the experimental and numerical research related to improving the resilience of low-rise structures to the effects of extreme events like earthquakes and severe wind events that has been completed at Auburn University. The research will focus on low-rise buildings and highlight damage seen in these events and the research identifying the problem in the load path and developing methods to improve the resilience of these important structures.

Dr. Justin D. Marshall, Ph.D., P.E. is an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering with an emphasis in Structural Engineering at Auburn University and is the Director of the Advanced Structural Engineering Laboratory (ASEL). He received his doctorate from Virginia Tech and his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from Brigham Young University in 2000. Additionally, Dr. Marshall was employed as a Consulting Structural Engineer with Delta Engineers, PC in Binghamton, NY. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer (CE) in California. His research interests are Earthquake Engineering, Wind Engineering, Structural Dynamics, Large-scale Experimentation, Bridge Design and Advanced Structural Analysis Techniques. He has participates in post-earthquake reconnaissance teams in Haiti and New Zealand and post-windstorm response teams around the southeastern US and in the Bahamas. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Alabama Department of Transportation, the US Air Force, the American Institute of Steel Construction, and Industry Sponsors. Dr. Marshall is a veteran of the armed forces having served in the Marine Corps and Army reserve including a one-year tour in Iraq.



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