A A+ A++
od 04-03-2021
od 15:00
do 04-03-2021
do 16:00
Autor: Jacek Staszkiewicz Publikacja: 24.02.2021 Aktualizacja: 16.03.2021

Zapraszamy na wykład prof. Antona Schindlera z Uniwersytetu Auburn, Alabama, USA

Szanowni Państwo

w dniu 4 marca o godzinie 15.00 w trybie zdalnym na platformie ZOOM.us, odbędzie się wykład Pana prof. Antona Schindlera z Uniwersytetu Auburn, Alabama, USA. Poniżej szczegółowe informacje na temat zakresu poruszanej tematyki i prelegenta. Planowany czas wystąpienia: 45 min. + ok. 15 min. dyskusji.

Dane do logowania na platformie ZOOM.us: https://auburn.zoom.us/j/92158246731

Modeling of Early-Age Concrete Stress Development


Professor Anton Schindler, PhD, PE, F.ASCE, F.ACI
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Auburn University, Alabama, U.S.A.

A brief introduction to Auburn University will be provided. Thermal cracking in concrete at early ages may influence the long-term durability of a structure. A finite-element method to predict early-age stress development will be covered that considers temperature effects, modulus of elasticity, creep or stress relaxation, shrinkage, and coefficient of thermal expansion, and the degree of restraint. Three-dimensional, finite-element analysis was used to model the early-age stress development of concrete and a rate-type creep analysis was used. Experimental results from restraint to volume change tests with rigid cracking frames were used to calibrate the creep model to improve the early-age prediction accuracy of the finite-element analysis. Practical applications of the finite-element model will be demonstrated to identify some causes of early-age cracking in cast-in-place concrete culverts.

Anton Schindler is the Director of the Highway Research Center and Mountain Spirit Professor at Auburn University. He received his M.S.E. and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. He is a fellow of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). He is the current chair of ACI 237 (Self-Consolidating Concrete), current voting member of ACI’s Technical Activities Committee (TAC), and past chair of ACI 231 (Concrete Properties at Early Ages). He received ACI’s Cedric Willson Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Award in 2017 and ACI's Wason Medal for concrete materials research in 2006 and 2011. He is a licensed professional engineer in the State of Alabama.



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