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System and organization of studies

System and organisation of studies

In the academic year 2005/2006, the Faculty implemented a modern, three-degree system of studies, in accordance with the Law on Higher Education (2005) and the requirements of education in the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Declaration, 1999) and the Standards of Education in the field of construction issued by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2007. The current study plan distinguishes two clearly separated degrees of study, which end with the execution of the diploma thesis (engineering project, master's thesis) and the diploma examination, and makes it possible to obtain the following professional titles:

  • I degree studies - completion of an engineering diploma thesis (engineering project) and obtaining the professional title of engineer,
  • II degree studies - completion of a master's thesis and obtaining the professional title of Master of Science.

Full-time and part-time I degree studies may be taken up by candidates who successfully pass the qualification procedure.

Full-time II degree studies may be taken by graduates of full-time I degree studies in the field of civil engineering immediately after completing I degree studies or after a one-year break.

Part-time II degree studies may be taken by graduates of full-time or part-time studies in the field of civil engineering.

The choice of specialisation in I degree studies (full-time and part-time) is made after the fourth semester. In II degree studies (full-time and part-time), specialisations and diploma profiles are conducted from the second semester.

The Faculty has introduced the European Credit Transfer System - ECTS (European Credit Transfer Sysytem) in full-time and part-time studies. ECTS credits are awarded for all subjects included in the study programme, practical training, the engineering project and the diploma thesis. The credits quantify the learning outcomes, enable an assessment of the student's workload and effectively facilitate international student exchange. Upon graduation, a "Diploma Supplement" in Polish and English is issued together with the diploma.

Since the academic year 2005/2006, a new full-time Bachelor's degree programme in Civil Engineering conducted in English has started - Civil and Engineering Structures (in English). The training is based on a unique European study plan.

Graduates receive a comprehensive education in the field of civil engineering. The studies are intended for Polish students, for whom completion of studies in English will be an additional attribute when taking up a job in the European market. They can also be taken up by foreign students.

The Faculty of Civil Engineering was the first in Poland to introduce a semester-long apprenticeship in full-time first degree study plans, which students undertake on an employment basis. This internship provides students with better preparation for their profession and creates opportunities for networking to facilitate finding employment after graduation.

Students from the Faculty can spend a semester studying at one of the partner European universities (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Denmark) as part of the ERASMUS+ student exchange programme. Students can obtain a Polish-Danish engineering diploma as part of a cooperation programme with VIA University College in Horsens (Denmark).

Main strengths of the modern study system at the Faculty of Civil Engineering:

  • European education system,
  • shift of emphasis from school teaching to university study (introduction of optional subjects),
  • problem-based learning - PBL (Problem Based Learning or Project Based Learning),
  • parallel development of professional skills (know how) and a university-level-appropriate creative approach to reality and understanding of phenomena and problems (know why) - (introduction of semester-long work placements).

Choice of study paths:

  • obtaining an engineering diploma after eight semesters (engineering studies),
  • obtaining a master's degree in engineering (supplementary master's studies) after three semesters. These studies can be taken up by graduates of engineering studies (major: construction) no later than one year after graduation. They are conducted in specialisations and diploma profiles.

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