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Author: Ewelina Domalik Published at: 18.09.2024 Last update: 18.09.2024
Distinction for our students for the best conference article
Mathematics second cycle students, Julia Kita and Krzysztof Barczak, in cooperation with dr hab. inż. Edyta Hetmaniok, prof. PS, received an award for the best article at the 38th International ECMS Conference on Modeling and Simulation ECMS 2024, Cracow, Poland, June 04th – June 07th, 2024. More information can be found on the conference website: /conf/ecms2024
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Santander Universidades to jeden z fundamentów społecznego zaangażowania Banku Zachodniego BZWBK oraz Grupy Santander.
Santander Universidades to jeden z fundamentów społecznego zaangażowania Banku Zachodniego BZWBK oraz Grupy Santander.