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Adam Popowicz, PhD., DSc.
Position: university professor
Tel: 32-237 21 91
E-mail: adam.popowicz@polsl.pl
Address: Gliwice, Akademicka 16, room 711

Popowicz Adam
  1. Scientific publications – plik XLS
  2. We invite you to see the activities of the research group led by Adam Popowicz: Silesian University of Technology Observatories (SUTO): suto.aei.polsl.pl
  3. Directing and participating in international and national research projects:
    • Project manager within the PRELUDIUM competition funded by the National Science Center, entitled. "New methods for reduction of impulse noise in astronomical images", 03/09/2014 - 02/09/2016
    • Project manager within the SONATA competition funded by the National Center for Science, entitled. "Improving the precision of photometric measurements obtained from the first Polish scientific satellites", 23/01/2017 - 22/01/2019
    • Co-investigator in the international project, funded on the Polish side, among others, by the National Science Center and the Foundation for Polish Science, entitled. "BRITE: Brightest Star Explorer".
    • Co-investigator in the international project financed from the Norwegian grants, entitled "Automated assessment of joint synovium. "Automated assessment of joint synovitis activity from medical ultrasound and power dopploer examinations using image processing and machine learning methods" (Pol-Nor/204256/16/2013), 2009-2014
    • Co-investigator in the project under the Innovative Economy Programme, entitled "Upper Silesian Computing Centre. "Upper Silesian Centre for Scientific and Engineering Computing", (POIG.02.03.01-24-099/13), 2014-2016
    • Co-investigator in a Polish-Mexican project funded by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), titled "Interferometría de motas". "Interferometría de motas de estrellas cerca de 30 parsecs de la vecindad solar (Speckle interferometry of stars about 30 parsecs from the solar neighborhood)", (IN102514), 2016-2017
    • Co-investigator in a project carried out by KP Labs, funded by the National Center for Research and Development, under the Fast Track competition, entitled. "Innovative hyperspectral system for Earth observation (HyperCam) with increased spectral resolution enabling automatic processing and selection of satellite data in orbit based on new algorithms for segmentation and classification of satellite images using deep convolutional networks", 2018-2020
    • Co-investigator in NCBIR project in LIDER competition "SafeDNN" on security of deep neural networks and artificial intelligence (LIDER/51/0221/L-11/19/NCBR/2020), 2021-2023
  1. International and national awards for scientific or artistic activities:
    • Laureate of the competition of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for a scholarship for outstanding young scientists conducting high quality research and enjoying impressive scientific achievements on an international scale - scholarship awarded for 2017-2019
    • Winner of the START competition organized by the Foundations for Polish Science for young scientists at the beginning of their scientific career with documented achievements in their field of research (2015)
    • Annual award of the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology for team
  2. Presentation of papers at international and national thematic conferences:
    • Adam Popowicz, „PSF photometry for BRITE nano-satellite mission”, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes+Instrumentation 2018, Austin, USA, 2018
    • Fernando Angeles, Valeri Orlov, Adam Popowicz, „Fast photometry of stars”, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes+Instrumentation 2018, Austin, USA, 2018
    • Adam Popowicz, „Image processing in the BRITE nano-satellite mission”, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes+Instrumentation 2016, Edynburg, Szkocja, 2016
    • Adam Popowicz, Bogdan Smołka, „Isoline based image colorization”, UKSim-AMSS, International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (IEEE-UKSim), Cambridge, England, 2014
    • Adam Popowicz, Bogusław Cyganek, Bogdan Smołka, „Lischitz Cover based image colorization”, 9th South East European Doctoral Student Conference (DSC), Tesaloniki, Greece, 2014
    • Adam Popowicz, „Defekty radiacyjne matryc CCD satelitów BRITE”, VII-th Scientific Conference of Young Astronomers, Częstochowa, Polska, 2015
    • Adam Popowicz, Aleksander Kurek, Bogdan Smołka „Śląskie Laboratorium Obrazowania Astronomicznego”, VIII-th Scientific Conference of Young Astronomers, Częstochowa, Poland, 2016
    • Adam Popowicz, „Reduction of impulsive noise in astronomical images”, VIII-th Scientific Conference of Young Astronomers, Częstochowa, Poland, 2016
    • Adam Popowicz, „Minimal flux and SNR of tip-tilt guiding star in small telescope system”, Wykorzystanie Małych Teleskopów 2016, Kielce, Poland, 2016
    • Adam Popowicz, „BRITE CCD data defects and reduction of observations in traditional mode”, Science with BRITE-Constellation: Initial results, Gdańsk, Poland, 2015
    • Adam Popowicz, „PSF photometry of BRITE images”, Third BRITE-Constellation Science Conference, Quebec, Canada, 2017
    • Adam Popowicz, „An algorithm for joint and bone localization in USG images of rheumatoid arthritis”, International Conference on Computer Systems in Medicine and Health, Szczyrk, Poland, 2016
  3. Participation in research consortia and networks:
    • Member of the consortium established to build the Polish UVSat satellite between: Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre in Warsaw, University of Wrocław, Rzeszów University of Technology and Silesian University of Technology. The author of the application was a representative of the University and the author of fragments of the feasibility study of the satellite, submitted to the Polish Space Agency.
  4. Membership in international and national organizations and scientific societies:
    • Polish Astronomy Society, member from 2012 to present, secretary of Gliwice branch.
    • Polish Astronomical Society, member from 2011 to present.
  5. Internships in foreign and domestic scientific or academic centers:
    • Research trip funded by UNAM Mexico, November-December 2016, along with a week-long research work at San Pedro Martir Observatory - collaboration with Dr. Valeri Orlov on the topic of automating fast photometry using EMCCD sensor cameras.
    • Research trip funded by UNAM Mexico and the Mexican Space Agency, June-July 2018, with a week-long research work at the San Pedro Martir Observatory and collaboration with the Mexican Space Agency (Dr. Alejandro Farah) to start joint work in space exploration.
  6. Performed expert opinions or other studies on request from commercial entities:
    • Feasibility study "Astronomical Observation Satellite in the UV band - fragment entitled Detectors", due date: 28.10.2016, (ordering Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre in Warsaw).
    • Opinion on innovation of the system for intelligent and automatic analysis of satellite images using deep neural networks - due date: 21.06.2017, (ordering KP Labs sp. z o.o.).
    • Analysis of optical instrument performance parameters for hyperspectral satellite - due date 21.06.2017, (ordering KP Labs sp. z o.o.).
    • Development of construction and validation tests of optical tracks intended for two sensors of a small satellite for imaging of the earth's surface, due date 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2018, (ordering KP Labs sp. z o.o.).
    • Development of techniques for calibration of vision sensors operating in the visible light and near-infrared range in space, deadline 01.06.2018 - 30.09.2019, (ordering KP Labs sp. z o.o.).
    • Development of vision sensor data preprocessing techniques for a small satellite designed for earth surface imaging, 01.01.2019 - 31.03.2020, (KP Labs sp. z o.o. ordering).
  7. Reviewing publications in international journals:
    • Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
    • Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    • Astronomy & Astrophysics
    • Remote Sensing (MDPI)
    • Sensors (MDPI)
    • International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics

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