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Author: Arkadiusz Twardoń Published at: 09.11.2020 Last update: 21.04.2021

Webinar - Advanced no-code data analytics in self-service BI

Users of BI-type systems are no longer satisfied with answers to the questions "What happened in the past? " and want to know "Why?", "What will happen?", "Which action is better?", etc. This translates into the need for advanced data analysis and the need to combine a BI system with advanced data analysis tools.

Obviously, the cooperation of such tools must be efficient and both systems should be adapted to it. Two-way communication, transfer of analysis settings from the BI software level, insight by BI users into the analysis (in order to consciously use or modify it) - such requirements combined with limited availability of data science programmers lead to a no code solution (graphically defined analysis).

A unique solution to meet these requirements is the combination of Statistica and Spotfire.

This webinar will discuss the interdependency of these tools and will show a live example of how they work together.

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