A A+ A++

Reporting problems by e-mail

abuse@polsl.pl - reporting of network incidents

ca@polsl.pl - matters relating to the issuance and use of X.509 certificates

dns@polsl.pl - matters relating to the DNS service, registration of names, etc.

dziekanat@polsl.pl - problems with the "Dean's Office"/USOS system

eduroam@polsl.pl - matters relating to eduroam

netadm@polsl.pl - WAN issues, reporting network performance problems, general first contact address for network issues

fw@polsl.pl - matters relating to the university firewall, address blocking and security policy

rekrutacja@polsl.pl - technical assistance on the recruitment system IRK.polsl.pl

pomoctechniczna.USOS@polsl.pl - technical assistance on problems with accessibility and login to USOS applications

pomoc.USOS@polsl.pl - technical assistance on reporting with the USOS application not functioning as instructed or when the USOS application presents incorrect/incomplete data

pomoc.SOTS@polsl.pl - technical support for the SOTS Study Management System (archive)

pomoc.EKOS@polsl.pl - technical support for the EKOS Electronic Catalogue of Student Evaluations (archive)

pomoc.ats4@polsl.pl - pomoc techniczna Internetowego Systemu Planowania Zajęć

postmaster@polsl.pl - matters relating to staff mail and the polsl.pl domain

sysadm@polsl.pl - support for Unix systems, VPN setup

sysoper@polsl.pl - problems with accounts, mail, etc.

wsparcie_sod.zsi@polsl.pl - consultancy for demand processes, processing of accounting notes and purchase invoices

wwwadm@polsl.pl - operation of WWW sites

Secretariat of the IT Centre

tel. 32 237-20-32

On-call service in the Computer Centre

Telephone duty of network operators: 24 hours a day from Monday to Sunday.
Telephone operators: 32 237-15-69.


© Silesian University of Technology

General information clause on the processing of personal data by the Silesian University of Technology

The authors - the organizational units in which the information materials were produced, are fully responsible for the correctness, up-to-date and legal compliance with the provisions of the law. Hosted by: IT Center of the Silesian University of Technology ()

Data availability statement

„E-Politechnika Śląska - utworzenie platformy elektronicznych usług publicznych Politechniki Śląskiej”

Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie