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Obtaining a PESEL number by a foreigner

Translation from website of the Municipal Office in Gliwice

Original Website: https://bip.gliwice.eu/uzyskanie-numeru-pesel-przez-cudzoziemca

Service description:

Obtaining a PESEL number by a foreigner


Department of Civil Affairs

What should I know?

A foreigner who registers for permanent or temporary residence obtains a PESEL number automatically.

If you do not have a registered place of permanent or temporary residence, you can submit an application for a PESEL number in any commune.

The application for a PESEL number must include an indication of the legal provision that states the obligation to have a PESEL number.

Who can handle the matter?

An application for a PESEL number may be submitted by:

  • the person to whom the PESEL number is to be assigned – in person or through a postal operator.

In case of submitting the application via a postal operator – a notarized copy of the travel document must be attached.

  • proxy – submitting a power of attorney in writing, after the proxy presents his/her identity card or passport for inspection.

How long does it take to settle a case at the office?

After submitting a complete application, the PESEL number is assigned "immediately".

Check if you have all the required documents?

  1.  Application for a PESEL number - completed form.

The application must include a reference to the legal provision that states the obligation to have a PESEL number.

  1. A valid travel document, and if the application concerns a citizen of a European Union Member State, a citizen of a Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) – a party to the agreement on the European Economic Area or a citizen of the Swiss Confederation, it is permissible to submit another valid document confirming identity and citizenship – for inspection. In the case of submitting the application via a postal operator – a notarized copy of such a document.
  2. A document substantiating the obligation to have a PESEL number based on the provisions indicated in the application - for inspection (e.g. employment contract, employment certificate, sales contract as a document proving the taxpayer's status). In the case of submitting the application via a postal operator - a copy of such a document.
  3.  Power of attorney – if the application is submitted by a proxy, a document confirming the granting of a power of attorney – the original or an officially certified copy of the power of attorney.
  4. The authorized representative’s identity card or passport – available for inspection – if appointed, in justified cases another document allowing the identification of the authorized representative.

What fees need to be paid and how do I do it?

Submitting an application for a PESEL number – free of charge .

In the case of acting through a proxy: PLN 17 (for each power of attorney relationship) - examples of multiple power of attorney relationships.
Exempt from stamp duty are, among others, documents confirming the granting of a power of attorney and its extract, extract or copy, certified by a notary or by an authorized body, authorizing the receipt of documents and powers of attorney granted to: spouse, ascendants, descendants or siblings -  list of rates and exemptions from stamp duty .

The fee must be paid before the power of attorney is attached to the case file.

Payments for stamp duty can be made at the payment machine located in the Gliwice City Hall at ul. Zwycięstwa 21 (on the ground floor in the Customer Service Office) or by bank transfer to the account at Bank Millennium SA:

Gliwice City Hall
Bank Millennium SA no.: 48 1160 2215 1108 0410 0000 0055
(and for people making payments from abroad:
IBAN; PL 48 1160 2215 1108 0410 0000 0055:

The payment can be made online. To do this, click on the link that will redirect you to the online payment website operated by Autopay SA, where you will be able to pay the indicated amount:

Alternative fee:
PLN 17 Stamp duty for power of attorney

How to handle the matter step by step?

Step 1
Obtain a document substantiating the obligation to have a PESEL number based on the regulations indicated in the application.

Step 2
Fill out the application for a PESEL number.

Step 3
Collect the required attachments to the application – description of attachments in the section "Check if you have all the required documents?".

Step 4
Submit the documents to the Customer Service Room of the Department of Civil Affairs - ground floor of the Gliwice City Office building - entrance from Prymasa Wyszyńskiego Street or send them via a postal operator to the following address: Gliwice City Office, Department of Civil Affairs, ul. Zwycięstwa 21, 44-100 Gliwice.

Step 5
Receive notification of the PESEL number assignment.

How can I get answers to additional questions?

Customer Service Room of the Department of Civil Affairs.
Telephone numbers:

• Customer Service Room of the Department of Civil Affairs:
(32) 239 12 25, (32) 239 12 03, (32) 239 13 40, (32) 239 13 44 or (32) 239 13 45.
E-mail: so@um.gliwice.pl

Is it possible to settle a matter without having to come to the office?

It is possible to send the required documents via a postal operator to the following address: Urząd Miejski w Gliwicach, Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich, ul. Zwycięstwa 21, 44-100 Gliwice.

Can the matter be handled electronically?

No, the matter cannot be resolved electronically.

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