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Registration of Stay for Foreigners

  • STUDENTS from EU
  • STUDENTS from non-EU

Foreign Students - Registration of residence of a EU citizens


You are obliged to register your stay if you are staying in Poland for a period exceeding 3 months. If you are:

  • Citizen of a Member State of the European Union
  • Member State of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – a party to the agreement on the European Economic Area or
  • The Swiss Confederation

In order to register EU citizen’s residence, the following documents should be submitted:

More up-to-date information can be found at: https://www.katowice.uw.gov.pl/service/gb/registration-of-residence-of-a-eu-citizen]

Student - Registration of residence of a non-EU country citizens


If you arrive from a non-EU country, most likely you are here on the basis of a visa - with a residence visa, you do not need to register your stay.

More informations related to the visas can be found here:




Foreign Researchers - Registration of residence


Department of Citizens' Affairs and Foreigners

wsoim@katowice.uw.gov.pl / +48 32 2077327

An application for granting temporary residence permit for the purpose of conducting research can be granted to a foreigner who is a scientist, where the purpose of his stay on Polish territory is to conduct research or development work under contract for carrying out a research project concluded with a research unit, approved for this purpose by the minister responsible for science on the basis of the decision.

The foreigner is obliged to submit:

  • declaration of reception from a Polish partner institution (i.e. Polish partner agrees to receive you) - in case of implementation of a research project, concluded with scientific unit established in Poland or in the European Union, with provisions on scientific research or development studies conducted in Poland,
  • a written statement of a scientific unit, that agrees to cover all the costs of your stay in Poland and the costs of the administrative decision implementation in case you will be required to return to your country - covered from public funds within 6 months of the day of the expiration of the contract, when your stay in Poland will be deemed as illegal and an appropriate administrative decision will be issued,
  • confirmation of insurance - documents confirming possessing a health insurance or coverage by the insurer of the cost of medical or ambulatory treatment in Poland (e.g. ZUS – Polish Social Insurance Institution - certificate, other insurance policy);
  • confirmation of funds - documents confirming that you have sufficient financial resources to cover your costs of living and the return journey to your country of origin or to your living country or the cost of the third country transit, which will grant you an entry permission.

Downloads: https://www.katowice.uw.gov.pl/service/gb/temporary-residence

Charges: https://www.katowice.uw.gov.pl/service/gb/temporary-residence]

More up-to-date information: https://www.katowice.uw.gov.pl/service/gb/permit-for-temporary-residence-for-the-purpose-of-conducting-research

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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie