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How to apply - application procedure for Exchange Students for studies

1 step → Nomination 

Obligatory nomination letter from partner university must be e-mailed directly to mobility@polsl.pl  and should contain: student's full name and surname, gender, valid email address, receiving faculty at the Silesian University of Technology, subject area, period of stay (winter/summer semester, annual; whole academic year).

2 step → Information pack

Nominated students will receive further instructions.

3 step → Recruitment


The recruitment shall be done on-line:


Deadlines for application

01.06.2024 - 30.06.2024 for winter semester

01.12.2024 - 31.12.2024 for summer semester


Files to be uploaded as obligatory attachments:

  1. biometrical photo to be used for student ID card (in JPG file),
  2. scanned Transcript of Records (PDF file only),
  3. scanned English certificate (PDF file only)*,

After arrival students have to show 4) valid health insurance (there is no obligation to load a scan into the system). 

Students from EU/EEA countries staying temporarily in the territory of Poland are entitled to free health care on the basis of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or in particular cases on the basis of a special certificate (translated into Polish by a sworn translator).

Don't forget about insurance against accidents (EHIC is just health insurance).

Students from non-EU/EEA countries should purchase health accidents insurance in their home country, before departure. In case of the ISIC or Euro<26 card, insurance is included in the card and it is not necessary to buy another one unless one wants to increase its scope or value. According to the state health regulations, foreigners have to pay for medical consultation. The cost is then reimbursed by the health insurance company.


As policy holder you should know detailed notes of your insurance agreement and in case of an emergency situation know the procedure of reporting sudden accidents as well as telephone number to the company.

*English certificate should confirms skills:

BSc students - B1 level or higher (or min. 4.0 IELTS or min. 42 TOEFL recommended)
MSc students - B2 level or higher (or min. 5.5 IELTS or min. 72 TOEFL recommended)

We accept certificates from School of Foreign Languages, public or private university units/Centre for Foreign Languages.

Others, issued by the Relations Office or recommendation letter (from professor) are not sufficient.

English certificate should contain following data: student's full name and surname, information about English level, obtained score from test, score scale, date of received English level, name and surname of issuing person/institution/center/school, position of issuing person/institution/center/school, signature and stamp of person/institution/center/school, date of issue the certificate. English certificate must be prepared on a headed paper of the issuing person/institution/center/school.

Transcript of Records

Student should not have any failed subjects!

Final acceptance depends on the decision of Faculty Coordinator. 


First you need to create an account on our application platform and fill all necessary information about yourself. Remember to upload a biometrical photo.

After your account has been successfully opened, you will have a possibility to apply on one of the few recrutation our office is taking care of 

  1. ERASMUS - KA131 (european mobility program that allows students between higher education institutions (HEIs) of 28 EU member countries + Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, the FYR of Macedonia and Turkey to spend a part of their studies in the partner country.)
  2. ERASMUS - KA171 (partner countries outside of EU, more info can be found HERE)
  3. Memorandum of Understanding – „MoU” (bilateral agreement between Parties)

Application process for all recruitations looks the same.

Next step is to fill some additional information.

  1. Home University
  2. Language Competence
  3. English Language Proficiency Certificate (pdf file)
  4. Transcript of Records (pdf file)
  5. Dormitories
  6. Disability and allergies information
  7. Additional questions for Learning Agreement* 
  8. Scan of the signed document Learning Agreement for Studies Before the mobility (after application approval)

*After filling all necessary brackets and choosing subjects from USOS you will be able to generate your LA in "Documents and further steps", you can find this option in "Enrollment applications" section.

Choosing subjects

IRK is connected to our study service system (USOS), which allows you to choose your subjects straight from that system. That is why in tab "Enrollment applications" where you can fill additional information, there is also a spot called "Courses". When you click on "choose" button, you will be redirected to USOS in order to select subjects.

You need to search and choose subjects from list of courses that can be found HERE. Remember to look for your courses through their codes! After you are done selecting your chosen subjects just click "finish selecting" and that's it! 

! Some courses may not be available in the USOS yet !

Required number of ECTS points

Student should choose subjects for at least 25 ECTS, maximum 30 ECTS for one semester.

When all the requirements are fulfilled, you will be able to SUBMIT your application! 

! After submitting your application you won't be able to change upload files. Therefore please check twice if your Transcript of Records and Certificate of English language proficiency are in accordance with the requirements and most importantly in English !

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