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About International Mobility Office

International Mobility Office is subordinate to Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation and focuses on the continuous development of international cooperation

in terms of academic mobility of both students and employees of the University.

The basic tasks of our office include:

  • implementation of university academic exchange projects ERASMUS + KA1
    and related POWER-mobility and Education projects,
  • implementation of other university-wide academic exchange projects (depending on the offer),
  • applying to domestic and foreign institutions with project applications including academic exchange,
  • preparation of inter-university contracts regarding academic exchange
    and keeping their records, administrative support cooperation with partner universities abroad (within projects)
  • creating reports, reports on implemented projects,
  • promotion of academic exchange programs,
  • participation in academic network events and activities related to implementation and promotion of academic exchange,
  • handling the recruitment process of arrivals and departures under ERASMUS + KA1 and related statistics
    and reporting.


International Mobility Office
Akademicka 2A (Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering and Industrial Automation)
44-100 Gliwice, Poland
room 48, first floor

e-mail: mobility@polsl.pl  


University identification data:


ECHE Proposal number: 101013769

PIC number: 999899087

Organsation ID: E10209126

Registration number (REGON): 000001637

VAT number (NIP): PL6310200736


© Silesian University of Technology

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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie