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A Week of Materials
On December 16th, we start a week of materials at the Silesian University of Technology. Participants can expect lectures, workshops and even a culinary show and fashion show. We invite you to a week full of events.
The celebrations of the European City of Science Katowice 2024 are slowly coming to an end. We are facing the last week, the organization of which is supervised by scientists of the Silesian University of Technology. This is a week of materials, which will last from December 16 to 22.
A number of popular science events are planned, during which various aspects of materials accompanying us in everyday life will be presented in an interesting way. The speakers will explain how changing their properties affects our lives.
During the week, metallic, ceramic, polymer and composite materials will be discussed in terms of their use.
- We will present materials in modern transport, used in sports or music - announce the organizers.
Textile materials and those used in contemporary art and design will also be examined. As part of the Week, competitions are also planned for children and secondary school pupils, students, and scientists, but also for whole families and seniors.
Please find the full schedule here:
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The final of the European City of Science celebrations at the Silesian University of Technology