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Research projects

- 2014 - "Contemporary house through the eyes of young architects - Village House"
Project financed by the International Visegrad Fund under the program: Small Grants - International Visegrad Fund project no .: SM 11340056
project manager: dr hab. Eng. arch. Magdalena Żmudzińska-Nowak, prof. PSl.

- 2013-2015 "Modernist determinants in the spatial development of Katowice" The project is carried out under the Small Grants Fund of the Polish-Norwegian Research Program under the contract for execution and financing no. Pol-Nor / 210296/67/2013 of October 16, 2013. More information ...

'Challenges of sustainable land use on the example of the Silesian Province - scenarios 2050 ' FSB-62/RAR1/2010, Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme - work coordinated by the Central Mining Institute in Katowice together with the University of Economics in Katowice and the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice; participant in the main panel,

-2011-2013 "Design Silesia II" Marshal's Office of the Silesian Voivodeship; Human Capital Operational Programme 2007 - 2013; Priority VIII Regional Economic Cadres, Measures 8.2 Knowledge Transfer, 8.2.2. Regional Innovation Strategies.
Director: Magdalena Żmudzińska, Ph. Magdalena Żmudzińska, PhD, value: 580 891.

- 2010 - 2011 "Yesterday, today and tomorrow of Polish and German large housing estates. A comparative study of urban development models and their acceptance on the example of Katowice and Leipzig" Polish-German Foundation for Science
Headed by: prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Elżbieta Niezabitowska, value: 273 000.

- 2007 - 2010 "Medical, psychological, sociological and economic aspects of ageing in Poland".
Subtitle of the section being developed by the Department:
Social capital of seniors in the conditions of different urban environments and the requirements of their adaptation to life activation and qualitative provision of the needs of old people.
Head: Adam Bartoszek, Ph.
Contractors: Prof. Dr. hab. arch. Dr. Elżbieta Niezabitowska, Dr. hab. arch. Beata Kucharczyk-Brus, Dr. Marek Niezabitowski
Nr PBZ-MEiN-9/2/2006


Promoter Grants

Ageing European societies of the 21st century in urban renewal concepts.
Project Manager: Agnieszka Labus, M.Sc.
Duration: 2012-2014
(according to the new rules of NCN - Research project carried out by a person starting his/her scientific career who does not have a PhD degree)

Digital Paradigm in Shaping Contemporary Spatial Form Based on Analysis of Industrial Architecture
Head: Jan Rabiej, Ph.
Duration: 2010-2012

Buildings and urban complexes of universities created at the turn of the 20th and 21st century, with particular emphasis on Upper Silesian cities.
Manager : prof. dr hab. inż. Nina Stefania Juzwa
Duration: 2010-2012

Architecture of contemporary Polish residential house. Patterns and tendencies. Manager: prof. dr hab. inż. Nina Stefania Juzwa
Duration: 2010-2012

The problem of accessible housing on selected examples. A comparative study of spatial aspects of housing policy of Polish and English cities on the example of Gliwice and Doncaster
Manager dr hab.inż.arch. Zbigniew Kamiński, prof. Pol.Śl.
Duration 2009-2011

Development of a model for the transformation of degraded land on the example of the International Building Exhibition in Germany
Manager dr hab.inż.arch. Zbigniew Kamiński, prof. Pol.Śl.
Duration 2009-2011

Directions of transformations of greenery resources on post-industrial areas in the Upper Silesian agglomeration
Manager: dr hab.inż.arch. Krzysztof Gasidło, prof. Pol.Śl.
Duration 2009-2011

The role of Industrial Parks in spatial transformations of selected parts of cities
Manager dr hab.inż.arch. Krzysztof Gasidło, prof. Pol.Śl.
Duration 2009-2011

Shaping the contemporary objects of science function and their role in the urban space - selected examples
Manager prof.dr hab.inż.arch. Nina Juzwa
Duration 2009-2011

Architecture of monasteries in Cieszyn Silesia until 1939
Manager prof. dr hab.inż.arch. Jacek Radziewicz-Winnicki
Duration 2009-2011

Architectural and construction activity of Kral Schabik in the context of development of residential architecture in Gliwice 1919-1939
Manager: Prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Jacek Radziewicz-Winnicki
Contractor mgr inż. arch. Adam Bednarski
Duration 2007-2009

Evolution and contemporary interpretation of spatial composition of city square. Examples of small cities of the Upper Silesia with historical origin.
Manager Prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Jacek Włodarczyk
Contractor mgr inż. arch. Agnieszka Ziębik
Duration 2007-2008

4T07F 00429
Research and industrial complexes and facilities of recent years. The evolution and contemporary context of the urban environment.
Manager: prof.dr hab.inż.arch. Nina Juzwa
Contractor: Mgr inż. Arch. Spyra
Duration 2005 -2007

4T07F 04930
Architecture of contemporary industrial facility in urban space.
Manager: prof.dr hab.inż.arch. Nina Juzwa
Contractor: Mgr inż. arch. Aleksandra Witeczek
Duration 2006-2008

The importance of public open spaces in shaping compact urban layouts.
Manager: dr hab. inż. arch. Krzysztof Gasidło
Duration 2007 - 2008

4 T07F 04830
The evolution of the concept of space in architecture.
Manager: prof.dr hab.inż.arch. Jacek Radziewicz - Winnicki
Contractor: mgr inż. arch. Ewa Niezabitowska
Duration 2005 - 2007

Own grants

Commercialization of urban space. The role and importance of the shopping center in shaping the contemporary city space, with particular emphasis on the cities of the Upper Silesian Agglomeration.
Manager: dr inż. Beata Maria Kuc-Słuszniak
Project type: habilitation

Nature modeled. Naturalistic elements in urban composition
Manager: dr inż. Krzysztof Rostański
Project type: habilitation

Spaces of communication in the pro-ecological shaping of the urban structure of modern urban districts
Manager: dr inż. Michał Stangel
Duration: 2010-2012

The importance of environmental elements in the process of renewal of degraded urban landscape of the Upper Silesian agglomeration
Manager dr inż.arch. Alina Pancewicz
Duration 2008-2011

Searching for and recording the spatial identity and image of post-industrial towns in the Upper Silesian agglomeration
Manager dr inż.arch. Szymon Opania
Duration 2008-2011

N 506 03431/1545
Industrial architecture and urban planning - contemporary trends
Manager Prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Nina Juzwa
Contractors Prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Nina Juzwa, dr inż. arch. Anna Sulikowska-Ociepka,
dr inż. arch. Adam Gil

Duration 2006 - 2008

Architecture of public buildings in Upper Silesia in the interwar period (1922-1935)
Manager dr inż. Arch. Ryszard Nakonieczny
Duration 2006-2008

N 50609131/3906
Identity of place as the future of urban planning in Silesian cities
Contractor: dr inż.arch. Elżbieta Błeszyńska-Koclęga
Duration: 2006 - 2009

N 50603231/1543
"Organizational culture of the settlement structure of the Silesian agglomeration."
Wykonawca: dr inż.arch. Barbara Stankiewicz
Duration 2006 - 2009

Architecture and scenography of the theatrical creation field

Contractor: dr inż. arch. Jacek Rybarkiewicz
Duration 2007 - 2008

The versatility of open sports and recreation areas in urban areas
Contractor: dr inż. Arch. Katarzyna Ujma-Wąsowicz
Duration: 2007 - 2010

4T07F 03629
The role and importance of glass in the architecture of recent years
Contractor: dr inż.arch. Ewa Wala
Duration 2005 - 2008

4T07F 03828
The problem of parking spaces in the fabric of downtown areas
Contractor: dr inż.arch. Krzysztof Kozak
Duration 2005 - 2008

5 T07F 01225
Legibility of urban structure in the process of spatial development on selected examples of Upper Silesia
Contractor: Dr inż.arch. Magdalena Żmudzińska-Nowak
Duration 2003 - 2006

5 T07F 01125
Historical residential complexes of Upper Silesian cities - Bytom, Gliwice, Zabrze in the years 1918 - 1945. Typology of buildings and analysis of their state of preservation
Contractor: dr inż.arch. Justyna Wojtas
Duration 2003 - 2006

Historical town buildings of Racibórz Region - the existing condition and revalorization
Contractor: dr inż.arch. Elżbieta Rdzawska
Duration 2005 - 2008

The idea of "City - Garden" on the examples of Upper Silesian housing estates.
Contractor: dr inż.arch. Joanna Sokołowska-Moskwiak
Duration 2005 - 2008

4 T07F 00328
Quality assessments of the built environment and their relevance to the development of the sustainable building concept.
Manager: Prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Elżbieta Niezabitowska
Contractors: dr inż. arch. Dariusz Masły, dr inż. arch. Kucharczyk-Brus, dr inż. Arch. Beata Komar, prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Andrzej Niezabitowski, dr Marek Niezabitowski
Duration 2005-2006

Rector's Habilitation Grants

Legibility and identity of urban space - the city in the process of transformation
Manager: dr inz. arch. Magdalena Żmudzińska- Nowak
Duration: 2007-2008

Other grants

mgr inż. arch. Agnieszka Labus winner of the scholarship program under the slogan "PhD students for innovation - Design Silesia. Integration of research activities for innovative development of the region and financial support for PhD students" carried out under the system project "Design Silesia II" of the Silesian local government, Sub-measure 8.2.2. "Regional Innovation Strategies" of the Human Capital Operational Programme

2018-2021 - "ARCHEA ARCHitectural European medium-sized city" 

Project financed by the European Union within the framework of the WDP - Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships programme

Manager from WAPS: dr inż. arch. Tomasz Bradecki

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