Inter-university and international cooperation
The Faculty of Architecture is a partner of many foreign universities, including from Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey, Portugal and Spain. The curriculum is compared and adjusted in confrontation with national universities as part of the cooperation of the Deans of Architecture Faculties, the Accreditation Committee of Technical Universities and as part of international cooperation programs in the EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education) - European Association of Architectural Education. This allows for wide cooperation with other academic centers. The current ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), which enables comparability of student workload, in which the Faculty has participated since 2000, is also a facilitation.
The Faculty also conducts constant cooperation within the organization:
- EAAE – European Association for Architectural Education
- EAAE Research Committee – dr hab. inż. arch. Magdalena Żmudzińska-Nowak
- Le Notre – Thematic Network on Landscape Architecture - dr hab. inż. arch. Krzysztof Rostański
- ECLAS – European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools - dr inż. arch. Krzysztof Rostański
- IAPS - International Association for People-environment Studies - dr Beata Komar, dr Beata Kuchrczyk-Brus
- Deutsche Akademie fur Stadtebau und Landesplannung – prof. dr hab. inż. arch Zbigniew Kamiński
- ICOMOS -International Council for the Protection of Monuments and Historic Sites – dr inż. arch. Elżbieta Szponar-Regulska, docent w P.Śl.
- ECOVAST - European Council for the Village and Small Town - dr inż. arch. E. Rdzawska
- Sanichsiche Verein fur Volksbanweise - dr inż. arch. Elżbieta Rdzawska
- The John Paul II Foundation, Watykan - dr inż. arch. Elżbieta Rdzawska
Exchange of students and research and teaching staff
As part of the ERASMUS program, the faculty exchanges students and teaching staff with 26 partner universities, including: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Fachhochschule Aachen, Universität Kassel, Fachhochschule Lausitz, Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, Universitat Jaume I, Castello de la Plana k / Barcelona, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Marseille, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Saint-Etienne, Universita degli Studi di Bologna, Universidade de Coimbra, Universidade da Beira Interior, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Gazi University, Izmir University, Gazi University Institute of Technology, Horsens, Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, Hochschule Zittau / Gorlitz (FH).
Departmental Coordinator for the ERASMUS Program: dr inż. arch. Joanna Serdyńska
Visits and guest lectures by foreign academic teachers take place at the faculty. In 2015, they were i.a. Eric Firley from the University of Miami School of Architecture, Uffe Leth and Karsten Gori (founders of Leth & Gori, an architectural studio from Copenhagen), Rasmus Andersen (founder of the Copenhagen urban planning office Active City Transformation), arch. Kate Bond (Great Britain), prof. Marek Nowak (graduate of Alnus University of Arts and Social Sciences, main architect of GMP Architekten).
National inter-university cooperation
Challenges of sustainable use of the area of the Śląskie Voivodeship - 2050 scenarios.
Research project implemented by the consortium: Central Mining Institute in Katowice (leader) and the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice and the University of Economics in Katowice (partners) - GRANT CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION in 2010-2012 under Priority 1. "Research and development of modern technologies" , Actions 1.1. "Support for scientific research for building a knowledge-based economy", Sub-measure 1.1.1. "Research projects using the foresight method" of the Innovative Economy Operational Program. Research project manager at the Silesian University of Technology - prof. dr hab. Eng. arch. Zbigniew J. Kamiński (Faculty of Architecture).
Scientific Consortium - "Interdisciplinary Research in Architecture"
The consortium was established on the initiative of the employees of the Faculty of Architecture, the consortium consists of: the Silesian University of Technology, the University of Silesia in Katowice, the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, the University of Management and Social Sciences in Tychy, and EMAG in Katowice. Every year, seminars are held, where the results of jointly conducted research works related primarily to University facilities are presented. Topics covered:
- Qualitative research in architecture
- The comfort of staying in a built environment
- ICT networks and technologies in the built environment
- Environmental sociology
- Safety systems in the built environment
- Information society and its needs in the built environment
One Scientific Journal No. 47/2008 with 17 publications, including 9 publications from the Faculty of Architecture, has been prepared so far.
Scientific Consortium: "Energy, building, city".
On the initiative of the employees of the Faculty of Architecture, the Scientific Consortium was established: "Distributed energy, building, city". The aim of the consortium is to exchange knowledge and experience as well as to conduct joint activities. Annual scientific symposia are held within the consortium. The Consortium Agreement was concluded between the Faculties of the Silesian University of Technology: Architecture, Construction, Environmental Engineering and Electrical Engineering, and the Katowice Housing Cooperative, Zakład Ogrodniczy in Paczyna, Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlano-Produkcyjno-Handlowe "ML-BUD."
„Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment” – Journal .
On the initiative of the Faculty of Architecture, a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal was established. It is an English-language quarterly, it has been appearing regularly since 2008. Annually, it publishes several dozen scientific articles. ACEE has 5 points on the B list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education; is indexed by BazTech and IndexCopernicus, and since 2015 in the prestigious Web of Science database.
In the editorial office of ACEE, the Faculty of Architecture is represented by:
Prof. dr hab. Eng. arch. Zbigniew J. Kamiński - Chairman of the Scientific Council
Dr inż. arch. Joanna Biedrońska - secretary of the Architecture department
Details about the journal can be found on the website:
Tematy prac naukowych i dydaktycznych realizowanych wspólnie z ośrodkami krajowymi i zagranicznymi
An important element of international cooperation are research projects and training trips, workshops and exhibitions, including:
- TOP 500 Innovators, MNiSW - dr inż. arch. Agnieszka Labus (UC Berkeley, USA, 2015), dr inż. arch. Jerzy Cibis (Stanford, 2014)
- GenderSTE z sieci COST, Short Term Scientific Mission, Uniwersytet Westminster, Londyn, Wielka Brytania, dr inż. arch. Agnieszka Labus, 2015
- RMW - Regon-Miasto-Wieś conference, organized by the Department of Town Planning and Spatial Planning. The conference is interdisciplinary in nature, and we invite representatives of various disciplines of science and practical activity: architecture and urban planning, spatial planning, sociology, economics, earth sciences, as well as officials, politicians, designers, planners and other people interested in the issues of shaping space. Previous topics: Great public investments in agglomeration cities (2015), Living in the city (2014)
- Summer course HERCULES - Let‘s Exchange HERitage of our CULture – drawing as communication tool of students of architecture/engineers from European universitieS; European Union Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme for Intensive Programmes, 2013
- Scientific Camp of Students of the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology entitled: Save from oblivion. Cultural Heritage of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in the Concepts of Architecture Students, Chernobyl-Pripyat, Ukraine. The camp was organized on the initiative of Dr. Eng. arch. Marek Rawecki, 2013
- PBL „Lazio-Silesia” project of revitalization of historic post-industrial buildings in Silesia and Lazio (Italy), 2013, M. Zmudzinska + history team, K. Rostański A. Szewczenko University of Cassino, Italy
- International student workshops and exhibition of student architectural designs„Mezinárodní workshop Městská krajina vozovna Poruba”, Ostrava - Poruba, Vysoká škola báňská — Technická univerzita Ostrava (Czechy), 2014
- Workshops, study trips, student works exhibitions, photography exhibitions, monograph "Industrial Notes" as part of the project "Revitalization of the Silesian industrial heritage in the projects of Czech and Polish students of Faculty of Architecture". Operational Program Cross-Border Cooperation Czech Republic - Republic of Poland 2007-2013. The European Regional Development Fund. Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava (Czech Republic), 2013-2014
- Research project: "Yesterday, today and tomorrow of Polish and German housing estates. Comparative study of urban development models and their acceptance on the example of Leipzig and Katowice "Grant no. UE7 / RAr3 / 2011, years of implementation: 2011-2012, research project in cooperation with UFZ Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Leipzig-Halle, co-financed by the Polish-German Fundacja na Rzecz Nauki seated in Frankfurt / About UFZ Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Leipzig-Halle, Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology, 2012-2013
- "Protection of the Cultural Heritage of the Eastern Borderlands" - A project for the revalorization and reconstruction of the Franciscan Church and Monastery complex in Bołszowce (Ukraine) together with the Historical Reserve "Stary Halicz", Ukraine. The project has been carried out continuously since 2006, with the participation of faculty members, students and postgraduate students of the Postgraduate Studies in the Conservation of Monuments of Architecture and Town Planning.
- „Landscape&Leisure Project” – in cooperation with Dutch Government Advisor on Landscape 2007-2008 )
- Participation in the annual International Design Workshops in Florence - organized by Fundacja del Bianco.
- Cooperation and training and study trips - Royal Town Planners Institute, Anglia
- Organization of annual science camps and drawing plein-airs in Kutna Hora, org. PS Architecture Department, Kutna Hora city authorities, Czech Republic.
- Annual international student workshop in Seifhennesdorf (Germany) "Half-timbered architecture - its future in the cultural landscape of Europe" Organizers: Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Technology, Windmuhle Seifhennersdort, Hochschule Zittau-Gorlitz, Seifhennesdorf City Authorities.
- "The Three-Headed Dragon" - Architecture of the Interwar Period Modernism in Upper Silesia ", a research project carried out by the Faculty of Architecture of the PSl. together with Dom Umeni in Ostrava, Spolek pro Ostravskou Kulturu, Ministry of Culture and Art in Prague, Silesian Center of Cultural Heritage in Katowice. 2007-2010.
- "Modernity in Architecture" - an annual conference and student workshops at the Faculty of Architecture of the PSl. and Vysoka Skola Banska Technicka Univerzita, Ostrava.
- "Adaptation of post-industrial objects" design workshops, exhibition - Faculty of Architecture, Pol. Sl. Vysoka Skola Banska Technicka Univerzita, Ostrava, Pribor City Hall, Czech Republic. 2009-2010.
- "Avant-garde Tradition" - design workshops and exhibition - Faculty of Architecture, Pol. Sl. Vysoka Skola Banska Technical University in Ostrava, Zabrze City Hall, 2008.
- "Research on Early Christian Architecture" - Faculty of Architecture, Pol. Sl., The John Paul II Foundation, Vatican. - 2008-2009.
- "Polish-Ukrainian Meeting Center for Academic Youth in Mikuliczyn, Ukraine" - design competition. Organizers: East European Studies at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology, under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland - and the President of Ukraine. - 2009-2010.
National cooperation supporting the teaching process
It includes various forms of cooperation with such partners as: professional and creative organizations, local government institutions, associations and non-governmental organizations, industry representatives and producers. The most important completed and ongoing projects include:
- Research and study projects commissioned as part of the Urban Revitalization and other subject. conducted by prof. dr hab. inz arch. Krzysztof Gasidlę - competitions and workshops organized in cooperation with municipalities and organizations (in recent years, including Katowice, Rydułtowy, Pilchowice; as well as the Upper Silesian Aviation Society, KWK Saturn in Czeladź, Landscape Park Góra St. Anna, Provincial Park Of Culture and Recreation, Zabrze).
- Participation of student groups in urban planning workshops organized by the city of Katowice, concerning sensitive areas in the city: Integrated Student Center (2014) and the vicinity of the Silesian Library (2015).
- Competition for the best diploma thesis Zygmunt Majerski - organized by WA PS in cooperation with SARP O. Katowice.
- The competition for the best diploma thesis - organized by WA PS in cooperation with TUP, under the patronage of the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship.
- Permanent cooperation with the Museum in Gliwice, - as part of the Cultural Heritage Days projects, University for Everyone, and the educational project "Patrzę-Widzę-Rozumiem" (architectural education) since 2005
- Permanent cooperation with the Silesian Industrial and Technology Park in Ruda Śląska and the City Hall of Ruda Śląska (conferences, workshops, design and practical classes) since 2007.
- "Bathroom of the Year" - constant cooperation with SANITEC - KOŁO S.A. as part of the organization of the first stage of the national design competition in 2008.
- "Multi Comfort House", - 2009, "The Dying Beauty of Silesian Modernism" - 2007, - competitions under the permanent cooperation with ISOVER. • "Design of the tower of the Church of Christ the King in Gliwice" - Competition organized by the Faculty of Architecture and the Parish of Christ the King in Gliwice. - 2008
- "Revitalization of the Forest Castle in Gliwice" - Competition organized by the Faculty of Architecture, Biuro Projektów PROJPRZEM S.A. and the City of Gliwice - 2008.
- "Revitalization of the Palace in Rybna together with the park" - Competition organized by the Faculty of Architecture and the City of Tarnowskie Góry - 2008.
- "Kwartał Sztuki - revitalization of the Metallurgical Park in Zabrze" - Competition organized by the Architecture Department, Zabrze City Hall. - 2009.
- "Modernization of the Roma Cinema" - - Competition organized by the Architecture Department of the Zabrze City Hall. - 2009.
- "Design of a new administrative center in Gliwice" - - Competition organized by the Architecture Department of the City of Gliwice. - 2009.