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Announcement of the results of the competition for the development SPATIAL AND ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPT OF DEVELOPING A WILD BEACH IN PAPROCANY IN TYCHY
A student competition for the development of a spatial and architectural concept for the development of the Wild Beach on Paprocany in Tychy, organized by the City Office in Tychy in cooperation with the Department of Housing Architecture Design and Public Utilities, of the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology, has been resolved.
21 applications were submitted to the competition. The jury composed of Hanna Skoczylas (Deputy Mayor for Sustainable Development), Kamila Haja, Magdalena Storożenko, Wojciech Lesiak, Anna Syska (Municipal Monument Conservator), prof. PŚ Andrzej Duda, prof. PŚ Tomasz Wagner awarded five works.
Two equal 1st degree prizes (with a cash prize of PLN 1,500) were awarded to
- work No. 1380 performed by a team consisting of: Piotr Gajdka, Krzysztof Hendel.
- work No. 5243 performed by a team consisting of: Paweł Białas, Kamil Bryłka, Michał Ciebień;
By the decision of the Commission, 3 equal distinctions were awarded (with a cash prize of PLN 600). The following teams were awarded the award:
- Agnieszka Stawinoga, Monika Binioszek, Szymon Świderski, Paweł Aleksy for the work No. 5669
- Jakub Nobis, Jakub Nowakowski for entry no.7900
- Daria Bal Katarzyna Kędziorczyk Nicole Kossowska, for the work No. 6146
The award ceremony will be held on August 25 at Browar Obywatelski in Tychy during the international design workshop Meeting of Design Students Silesia (MEDS).
Congratulations to the authors of the winning works.
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