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Human Resources Strategy for Researchers at the SUT
On 20 April 2015, the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, on behalf of the University, issued a declaration of support for the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers - key documents adopted by the European Commission to improve the working conditions and mobility of academic staff. The University has committed to develop and improve its human resources policy in line with the Charter and the Code, and to implement recruitment procedures that ensure full transparency and accessibility.
In February 2016, a strategic project entitled "Developing the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers" was launched, a working group was established and the process of developing the first "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" based on the adopted principles of the Charter and the Code began. As part of the ongoing work:
- an internal gap analysis was carried out based on existing national, European and internal legislation,
- the content of a survey questionnaire was developed, together with a tool for its secure online completion,
- The target group to be invited to complete the survey was identified (500 academic staff and doctoral students),
- The results of the questionnaires were analysed and commented on, taking into account all areas of the Charter and the Code.
Upon completion of the internal analysis and final description of the survey results, the working group concluded that the practice of the Silesian University of Technology was already largely in line with the general principles of the Charter and the Code. At the same time, it was noted that there is still room for improvement in some areas. As a result the text of the first HR Strategy for Researchers - Action Plan 2016-2018 was drafted, which identified the priority areas that the University should improve.
In January 2017, Silesian University of Technology became one of the first universities in Poland to receive the award (formerly the logo) of HR Excellence in Research. The award was granted in recognition of the SUT's efforts related to the implementation of the HR Strategy for Researchers in line with the Charter & Code.
In accordance with the declarations contained in the Strategy in the section on monitoring, another strategic task entitled "Implementation of procedures and monitoring of the application of the HR Strategy for Researchers", assigned to the Development Office, was launched in February 2017, with the appointment of a steering committee and a working team responsible for the implementation of the plan adopted for 2016-2018. A quarterly progress reporting system has been introduced, as well as an annual risk analysis. A summary progress report was published on the HR Excellence in Research website.
As part of the work carried out in Q2 and Q3 2018, an internal review was performed summarising the activities undertaken so far, and focus interviews were conducted with representatives of researchers at different stages of their scientific careers on their assessment of the state of implementation of the Charter and the Code. As a result, additional areas for improvement were identified and an updated action plan for 2019-2021 was proposed as part of the HR Strategy for Researchers.
Simultaneously, in February 2019. Silesian University of Technology submitted to the European Commission the first report on the internal review (interrim assesment), summarising almost three years of implementation of the Strategy. In April 2019. The University received a feedback evaluation without any remarks, with an expert comment confirming the proper course of action and a job well done.
Following the adoption of the modified Action Plan for 2019-2021, by decision of the Rector, the responsibility for monitoring the tasks implemented under the Plan, which is an integral part of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, was transferred to the Development Office - an organisational unit under the Vice Rector for Science and Development. In order to ensure appropriate standards for the execution of the established initiatives, the existing rules have been maintained, including the composition of the Steering Committee and the project team.
The preparation of an external evaluation of progress in implementing the principles of the Charter and the Code and the development of a new 2022-2024 Action Plan was planned for Q3 and Q4 2021, with a selected team and a multi-stage internal gap analysis and survey of researchers.
The work on the development of the 2022-2024 Action Plan within the framework of the HR strategy for researchers included the following stages
- an internal evaluation and summary of the implementation of the objectives of the HR strategy for researchers to date,
- the analysis of the self-evaluation reports of the Faculties and the written results of the audits carried out by representatives of the former and current authorities of the Politecnico of Turin, the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the University of Porto,
- interviews with researchers and administrative support representatives in gender-balanced groups (5 groups - PhD students, assistant professors, university professors, professors and administration),
- analysis of the results of diversity and inclusion surveys.
On the basis of this diagnosis, a new action plan for 2022-2024 has been drawn up as part of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers adopted by the Rector.
Following the adoption of the 2022-2024 plan, a report was submitted to the Euraxess portal as part of the procedure for the renewal of the HR Excellence in Research award (renewal phase), summarising the implementation of tasks in 2019-2021 and also introducing new actions in accordance with the approved plan.
The SUT is currently awaiting the planned visit of external experts, which should take place in April 2024.