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Benefits for the University
The Silesian University of Technology received the HR Excellence in Research award thanks to the implementation and declaration of further improvement of its personnel policy regarding research employees based on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers.
These documents were issued in 2005 as a recommendation of the European Commission addressed to scientists, employers and research funders operating in the public and private sectors in EU Member States.
The main goals of introducing the provisions of the Charter and the Code are to strengthen the innovation and competitiveness of science by creating an atmosphere conducive to research work and providing scientists with stable working conditions at every stage of their career, as well as a friendly and ethical work environment.
Thanks to the Award, the University aims to:
- continuous improvement of the attractiveness of working conditions and the development of researchers' careers,
- improving the recruitment of scientists based on the principles of openness, transparency and substantive criteria