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Software for students and staff

The Faculty of Materials Science at the Silesian University of Technology participates in the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching programme, thanks to which students, PhD students and academic staff of the Faculty have free access to many Microsoft programs (including operating systems). Only academic teachers and full-time and part-time students of the Faculty of Materials Science are entitled to use the programme. Other employees are not entitled to use this programme. More information:

Microsoft software is downloaded from the Education Hub Store.

A student or staff email address in the domain student.polsl.pl or polsl.pl is required. You can use your Microsoft Office 365 account to log in, which is free for teachers and students (not for other university staff). Instructions for setting up accounts can be found below.

The administrator of Azure Dev Tools for Teaching and OnTheHub by Kivuto is: Adrian Smagór, PhD, tel. 32 603 4297, e-mail adrian.smagor@polsl.pl.

Gaining access to Azure Dev Tools for Teaching:

Those who do not yet have an Office 365 account should create one themselves (click here). At the same time, they will gain access to a suite that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.

Create an account, necessarily using an email address in the domain student.polsl.pl or polsl.pl.

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Fundusze Europejskie
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